Press Releases

Assemblywoman Woerner: Safety of Our Communities Depends on Success of First Responder Organizations

Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner (D-Round Lake) recently attended an event hosted by the Salem Rotary Club where she honored two local EMS organizations and discussed ongoing legislation to support emergency services. “Our communities are the safe, thriving...

Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner Announces Library Construction Awards

Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner announced today that over $350,000 in construction awards will be directed to two public libraries in the district she represents in Washington and Saratoga counties. “Local libraries fill a critical need here in our communities...

Assemblywoman Woerner: Landlords Should Not Be Punished

“When the eviction moratorium was put in place 17 months ago, it was meant to mitigate the unforeseen challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure no one would be left homeless due to a pandemic-related loss of employment or income. “Earlier...

Assemblywoman Woerner’s Bill to Expand Protections for Volunteer Firefighters Passes the Assembly

Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner (D-Round Lake) announced that a bill she sponsored to ensure more volunteer firefights qualify for disability and death benefits passed the Assembly and the Senate. Her legislation will soon be sent to the governor. “Volunteer...

Assemblywoman Woerner Passes Life-Saving Air Ambulance Bill

Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner (D-Round Lake) announced that a bill she sponsored to permit air ambulances to carry blood and blood products and allow emergency medical technicians to administer them in flight when a patient requires such treatment has...

Assemblywoman Woerner Votes to Repeal Outdated Executive Orders, Including ‘Food-With-Alcohol’ Rule

“There’s no doubt that we’re in a much different place today than we were over a year ago when this devastating pandemic began. As New Yorkers continue to get vaccinated and we begin to return to some form of normalcy, it’s past time that we...

Assemblywoman Woerner: NY HERO Act Will Create More Barriers for Small Businesses

Please click here to view the video.  “The workers who showed up at their job every day and helped keep our state running at the height of this pandemic are nothing short of heroes. They put their health at risk to keep our state moving forward and,...

Assemblywoman Woerner's Budget Highlights

Dear Friend, The process to develop and enact the 2021-2022 state budget concluded this week. This budget includes a number of priority items that were raised to me by individuals, groups and businesses in Saratoga and Washington Counties. The budget...

Assemblywoman Woerner: State Budget Invests in Well Being, Future of New Yorkers

Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner (D-Round Lake) announced that she secured several investments to benefit local families and businesses in the 2021-22 state budget, including economic development initiatives, funding to bolster transportation and a plan to...

Assemblywoman Woerner Announces Opposition to Excluded Workers Fund

“As a legislator, I have a duty to ensure taxpayer money is spent responsibly. I also have a duty to ensure the basic needs of my constituents are being met. The Excluded Workers Fund included in this year’s state budget does not meet either of these...

Assemblywoman Woerner Helps Pass Marijuana Legalization Bill

Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner (D-Round Lake) announced that she helped pass legislation to legalize adult-use marijuana for all New Yorkers age 21 and older (A.1248-A). Woerner noted that the legislation takes a smart, cautious approach to legalization...

Assemblywoman Woerner: Assembly Action on Executive Orders Helps Restore the Balance of Power

Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner (D-Round Lake) announced that several bills that would modify executive orders put in place by Governor Cuomo are moving through the Assembly’s committee process this week. This comes after Woerner voted to revoke the governor’s...

Assembly Budget Proposal Includes Critical Aid for Infrastructure, Small Businesses and Education

“In the wake of a year marked by unprecedented challenges, insurmountable loss and devastating economic repercussions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s absolutely critical that our budget reflect these challenges and support our communities’...

Assemblywoman Woerner: State Legislature Must Take Back Its Power, Return to Normal Working Order

“Today I voted to immediately revoke the emergency powers that were granted to the governor last year and establish legislative oversight overcurrent directives. We cannot continue to let the governor’s power go unchecked. This bill will curtail his...

Santabarbara, Woerner’s Call for a Full Repeal of the Governor’s Emergency Powers

The stunning admission coming from a high-ranking executive staffer that fear of the federal government’s response lead to the administration’s decision to cover up critical information about New York’s COVID deaths in New York nursing homes further...

Statement on Federally Qualified Health Centers Being Left Out of the On-going Vaccination Effort

Vaccinating millions of New Yorkers this year requires that the State make use of all off the available resources.The State has set up mass vaccination sites on the SUNY Albany Campus, in Plattsburgh, Potsdam, Utica, and has plans for others.County Public...

Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner Responds to Governor Cuomo’s 2021 State of the State Address

“As I listened to the Governor’s 2021 State of the State Address, I was thrilled to hear commitments to expanding the workforce to encourage the Green Energy transformation in NYS, passing the Medical Supplies Act, and improving accessibility to telemedicine....

Statement from Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner Regarding Violence in Washington, D.C.

It has taken me a few days to organize my thoughts about last week’s violence in our Nation’s Capitol. I am heartbroken and deeply saddened that a percentage of Americans feel so profoundly frustrated by the outcome of November’s election that they...

Assemblywoman Woerner Named Chair of the Legislative Commission on Skills Development and Career Education

Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner (D-Round Lake) announced she that has been named the Chair of the Assembly Legislative Commission on Skills Development and Career Education, where she’ll work to expand apprenticeship programs and advance growth in advance...

Assemblywoman Woerner Outlines Priorities for 2021 Legislative Session

Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner (D-Round Lake) announced her priorities for this year’s legislative session, continuing her efforts to support upstate families, businesses and communities during these difficult times. “While it’s a relief to finally...