Press Releases

Assemblyman Charles D. Fall Holds a Press Conference on Recent Gun Violence and Deaths on the North Shore of Staten Island

Today, Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) held a press conference with local clergy, concerned neighbors, gun safety advocates and Stradford Funeral Home. According to NYPD CompStat data, there has been a total of thirty (30) shootings on Staten...

Assemblyman Fall Participates in Mayors Press Conference on Small Business and Tenant Pandemic Protection

Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) today took part in Mayor de Blasio’s daily zoom press conference that centered on the continuation of pandemic protections for citywide small business owners. Upon the release of city budget cuts this June...

The Assembly Votes Unanimously on Assemblyman Fall Staten Island Notification and Healthcare Study Bill

Today, the New York State Assembly passed Assemblyman Charles D. Fall legislation (A.10470-A) requiring the operator of a healthcare facility to give a 30-day notice to the Department of Health and local officials on the closure, relocation or decertification...

Assemblyman Fall Homeless Shelter Site Accountability Bill Passes the Assembly

Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) worked diligently with central staff and his Assembly colleagues to pass (A.7820-A) which he introduced in 2019 and amended this year. The legislation would require the Department of Homeless Services to conduct...

Assemblyman Fall Corrects His Voting Record on Discharged Firearm Legislation

Back on June 8, 2020 the New York State Legislature passed a series of bills addressing the need to bring about transparency and accountability on the topic of racial justice. Most of the legislative package was passed by the Assembly and Senate and went...

Assemblyman Fall Throws A Grab-And-Go Barbecue for the North Shore Community

Grab and Go Barbecue
Yesterday, Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) partnered with the New York Center for Interpersonal Development and Mobile Soul Barbecue to host a grab-and-go barbecue for residents of the 61st Assembly District. The Independence Day Weekend event...

Assemblyman Fall Starts a Petition to Rename Stapleton Park After the Late Reverend Maggie Howard

Yesterday, Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) drafted a petition requesting Stapleton Park, located near PS 78 and across from UAME Church to be renamed ‘The Reverend Maggie Howard Park’ in recognition to the life and contributions of...

Statement by Assemblyman Charles D. Fall

“We need a call to justice for George Floyd. It is hard to fathom that once again our country is facing another tragic and senseless death by way of excessive force. The detainment video of George Floyd was disturbing for all of us and has already...

Statement by Assemblyman Charles D. Fall on Upcoming Observance of Religious Holidays

“As we progress with the COVID pandemic, measures like wearing a mask and remaining socially distant are essential to prevent the spread of the virus. With Eid-al-Fitr starting the evening of Saturday, May 23rd and ending the evening of Sunday,...

Assemblyman Fall Partners with Local Elected Officials and Community Groups for Mother’s Day Outreach Events

Assemblyman Fall Partners with Local Elected Officials and Community Groups for Mother’s Day Outreach Events
Over the weekend, Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) partnered with Congressman Max Rose, Senator Diane Savino, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, Michael Garner, President of One Hundred Black Men, NYPD Muslim Officer Society, Muslims Giving...

Assemblyman Charles D. Fall Calls on the City of New York to Prioritize Summer Youth Employment & Community Schools Over Campaign Finance

Assemblyman Fall (D-Richmond) is calling on the City of New York to prioritize funding for community schools and the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) over campaign finance during budget negotiations for the FY21 budget. “I understand that...

The CityMD Site on Forest Avenue Will Reopen Through a Staten Island Bipartisan Effort

Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) through a concerted, bipartisan effort from Staten Island elected officials announce the reopening of the CityMD community health center located at 812 Forest Avenue. The Forest Avenue site was temporarily closed...

Assemblyman Fall Introduces New Legislation During the 2020 Legislative Session

Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) last week introduced legislation (A.9942) which would amend the executive law to require employers to engage in good faith “cooperative dialogue” with employees who request accommodation due to a religious...

Assemblyman Charles D. Fall Sets the Record Straight Regarding His Recent Trip to Israel

I would like to address the recent press release that has misrepresented my recent trip to Israel with a delegation of my colleagues from the State Legislature. First and foremost, I am proud to be the first Muslim-African American elected to the state...

Statement by Assemblyman Charles D. Fall on This Weekend’s Assault on NYPD Officers in the Bronx

“We all have to understand that acts of violence against law enforcement will never be a tolerable response to community strife. The two incidents this weekend of lethal action against Bronx officers of the New York Police Department have heightened...

Assemblyman Fall Commends Washington Decision to Lift Two-Way Tolling Ban on Verrazzano Bridge

Yesterday, it was announced that for the first time in 30 years, split tolling on the Verazzano-Narrows Bridge is no longer banned. Additional action will be required by the MTA to begin charging tolls in each direction. Last week President Trump signed...

Assemblyman Charles D. Fall Legislation to Protect New York’s Workforce is Signed into Law as Chapter .701

As the year comes to an end, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law Assemblyman Charles D. Fall’s (D-Richmond) legislation (A.8035/S.6469) under (Chapter #701.) The law defines the term "employer" that pays an individual for services performed...

Governor Cuomo Signs Assemblyman Fall Trampoline Park Bill into Law

Late last week, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed Assemblyman Charles D. Fall’s (D-Richmond) legislation (A.7250-B) (Chapter .720) that will regulate safety procedures and strengthen guidelines for the commercial trampoline park industry in New York...

Assemblyman Charles D. Fall Continues to Introduce Legislation during the 2019 Session Recess

Yesterday, Assemblyman Fall (D-Richmond) introduced legislation that would require SUNY, CUNY or state-funded-institutions of higher education in New York to allow students the right to observe certain religious holidays and non-traditional days of observance...

Assemblyman Charles D. Fall Introduces Legislation That Would Make New York City Identity Cards Valid for Consumers Who Want to Purchase Products of Legal Consent

Today, Assemblyman Charles D. Fall (D-Richmond) introduced legislation that would amend the administration code of the city of New York, to allow a valid IDNYC card to be accepted as valid written evidence of age or identification for any situation where...