Ra: Governor Hochul's Budget Gambit Threatens New York's Fiscal Stability

A Statement by Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square), ranking Minority member on the Assembly Ways and Means Committee.

“This isn’t our first state budget to be passed weeks late, without a financial plan in place during debates and with a record-breaking spending plan—and it won’t be our last. While the budget process has truly been off the rails for years, Governor Kathy Hochul’s laissez-faire approach to getting things done is threatening to derail us entirely.

Within the $237 billion budget, I applaud the restoration of Foundation Aid for our local schools and the retail theft provisions put in place to protect retail workers against assault, among many other measures and initiatives that will help New Yorkers on Long Island and across the state, but it’s crucial to recognize these gains could be at risk if we fall into a budget deficit. Without a comprehensive financial plan, legislators are forced to operate in the dark, unable to accurately assess revenue versus spending. While this year’s tax receipts have exceeded projections, the looming specter of multi-billion-dollar deficits remains a significant concern for future budgets.”