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- Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz is helped by his grandson as they distribute reusable canvas bags from Citizens Committee of New York City to seniors at Riverdale Senior Services.
- Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz gives out reusable canvas bags to a local family along Johnson Avenue, courtesy of Citizens Committee of New York City.
- Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz with a neighborhood resident excited to get a free reusable canvas bag from Citizens Committee of New York City along Johnson Avenue.
- Menorah Lighting and Holiday Train Show at the New York Botanical Gardens Sunday December 3rd. Pictured from left to right are: State Senator Marisol Alcantara, Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, Eric Dinowitz, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Bill Weitz, State Senator Jeffrey Klein, and Council Member Andrew Cohen.
- Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz drops off supplies that were collected and sent to Puerto Rico to help residents after Hurricane Maria.
- Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz drops off supplies that were collected and sent to Puerto Rico to help residents after Hurricane Maria.
- Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Chair of the Assembly Committee on Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions, pictured here with fellow city and state elected officials as well as transit advocates at a press conference calling for improved bus service. From left to right are Tabitha Decker, Program Director of Transit Center, Assembly Member Jo Anne Simon (D-Brooklyn), Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez (and daughter) Chair of Committee on Transportation, Nick Sifuentes, Deputy Director of Riders Alliance, Assembly Member Helene Weinstein (Brooklyn), Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Assemblyman Clyde Vanel (Queens), Assemblyman Robert Carroll (Brooklyn), Assemblywoman Nily Rozic (Queens), and Assemblywoman Carmen De La Rosa (Queens).
- Assemblyman Dinowitz attending the June 22nd Graduation Ceremony of PS 16 pictured presenting the Community Service Award to Jair Joseph.
- Assemblyman Dinowitz attending the June 23rd Graduation Ceremony of PS 95 pictured presenting the Community Service Award to Jada Singer.
- Assemblyman Dinowitz attending the June 23rd Graduation Ceremony of PS 307 and pictured here presenting the Community Service Award to Leandra Reyes.
- Assemblyman Dinowitz attending the June 22nd Graduation Ceremony of PS 81 pictured here presenting Principal Anna Kirrane with a technology grant check for $125,000.
- Assemblyman Dinowitz at the Rain Barrel Giveaway hosted by Community Board 8 at Van Cortlandt Park on Friday May 4th. Pictured left to right are DEP Rep. Effie Ardizone, Council Member Andrew Cohen, Friends of Van Cortlandt Park Executive Director Christina Taylor, Community Board 8 Environment and Sanitation Chair Laura Spalter, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Community Board 8 Chair Dan Padernacht, and Rosemary Ginty, Vice President of Community Board 8.
- Assemblyman Dinowitz speaking as Chair of the Committee on Corporations Authorities and Commissions during today's hearing on the Public Service Commission's Clean Energy Standard.
 - Assemblyman Dinowitz speaking as Chair of the Committee on Corporations Authorities and Commissions during today's hearing on the Public Service Commission's Clean Energy Standard.
 - Assemblyman Dinowitz speaking as Chair of the Committee on Corporations Authorities and Commissions during today's hearing on the Public Service Commission's Clean Energy Standard.
 - State Senator Jeff Klein, Farrah Reubin, Assemblyman Dinowitz, Tracy Shelton Council Member Cohen and Congressman Engel at the RKA Auction Saturday March 18th.
- Assemblyman Dinowitz speaking at the Riverdale Senior Center on Saturday March 18th.
- Len Daykin, Council Member Cohen, Judy Sonett, Assemblyman Dinowitz and Congressman Engel pictured at the Whitehall Sunday March 19th.
- Assemblyman Dinowitz, Cardinal Dolan, and Council Member Cohen at the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Woodlawn Saturday March 18th.
 - Assemblyman Dinowitz participated in a dedication ceremony where an artifact from the World Trade Center became a permanent memorial. Pictured are Assemblyman Dinowitz,  Councilmember Andrew Cohen, Congressman Eliot Engel along with representatives from the 50th Precinct, including Deputy Inspector Terrence O'Toole and CEO of RiverSpring Health, Daniel Reingold.
 - Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz was joined in Albany by former New York Ranger great Mark Messier, who traveled to Albany to discuss the Kingsbridge National Ice Center. Messier is the CEO of the KNIC project.
- Assemblyman Dinowitz with Archbishop Dolan.
- Assemblyman Dinowitz with Archbishop Dolan.
- Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz joined in celebrating the opening of the PS 94 Annex in Norwood. He is shown here with students, teachers, and other Department of Education personnel at the ribbon cutting.
- Student ushers welcomed Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz to a visit to PS 16 in Wakefield. Also pictured is Principal Yvonne Williams.
- Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and actor Mark Ruffalo are shown here in the Assembly Chamber. Ruffalo is a leading opponent of hydrofracking. Assemblyman Dinowitz is a co-sponsor of a bill to limit this environmentally damaging procedure.
- Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and newly elected State Senator Gustavo Rivera are shown here with community leader Sallie Caldwell, at the annual breakfast of the Precinct Community Council at Lehman College.
- Assembly Members Jeffrey Dinowitz and Vanessa Gibson thank the hero of the attempted Times Square terrorist attack Lance Orton (second from right), who alerted the police of the failed bomb, and his father Horace Orton, in the New York State Assembly Chamber.
- Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz has long been a fighter against the scourge of graffiti. He is shown here spraying away graffiti on a wall at PS 24. His anti-graffiti program is funded through money he secured from the state for KRVCDC.
- Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz met with Chief Carlos Gomez, Commanding Officer, Patrol Borough Bronx, and discussed crime and safety issues in the 81st assembly district.
- Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz visited P.S. 7 in Kingsbridge where he is pictured with Principal Frank Patterson, Tara McMaster, Kelly Links, and student government leaders who are holding cans of food at the school library. The school collected hundreds of pounds of food for Assemblyman Dinowitz’s canned food drive. The food was donated to the Kingsbridge Heights Community Center and the food pantry at Saint Francis of Rome Church in Wakefield for families in need.
- Residents of the Fieldstondale Mutual Housing Cooperative recently celebrated their 50th anniversary. Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and Councilman Oliver Koppell, surrounded by many of the co-op's original residents, cut a cake in celebration.
- Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and Congressman Eliot Engel led the annual Chanukah Menorah Lighting at the Bronx Botanical Gardens.
- Local elected officials gave their blood at a local blood drive. State Senator Elect Adriano Espaillat, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz are shown here donating their blood at the Riverdale Neighborhood House.
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Legislative Update-Public Protection

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

Chief Administrative Judge Testifies During Joint Budget Hearing on Public Protection

DCJS Deputy Commissioner Testifies During Joint Budget Hearing on Public Protection

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

2025 Legislative Session Priorities

Protecting Consumers and Small Businesses Against Unfair Business Practices

Dinowitz Votes in Favor of Education, Labor, Housing, and Family Assistance Budget Bill

Legislative Update-81st Assembly District

Survivors Justice Coalition Rally

Legislative Update

Legislative Update-Accessibility Issues

Dinowitz Calls for Fair Pay for Home Care Workers

Legislative Update

Legislative Update-Dinowitz Advocates for Red Light Cameras

Regulating the Manufacture and Sale of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Use in E-Bikes

Procedures to Challenge Redistricting Maps

Update on Congressional Redistricting

The Need for More Affordable Housing in NY

Legislative Update

Chief Judge of Court Administration Testifies During a Joint Budget Hearing on Public Protection

Women’s Justice NOW Director Testifies at Hearing on Services and Protections Available to Victims of Human Trafficking in NYS

Brooklyn DA's Office Testifies at Hearing on Services and Protections Available to Victims of Human Trafficking in NYS

Safe Horizon Anti-Trafficking Coordinator Testifies at Hearing on Services and Protections Available to Victims of Human Trafficking in NYS

Enacting the Planned Offshore Wind Transmission Act

Legislative Update

Increasing Access to Contraceptive Drugs to Reduce Unintended Pregnancies in NYS

Protecting Retail Workers

Housing Issues in the 81st Assembly District

Assembly Response to the 2023-2024 Executive Budget Proposal.

Homes & Community Renewal Commissioner Testifies During Budget Hearing on Housing

Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Housing

Governors Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Chief Administrative Judge Testifies During a Budget Hearing on Public Protection

DCJS Commissioner and State Police Superintendent Testify During Budget Hearing on Public Protection

Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Public Protection

DCJS Commissioners Testify at Public Hearing Examining Crime Data

OCA Commissioners Testify at Public Hearing Examining Crime Data

Legislative Update

2023-2024 Legislative Session Begins in Albany

Special Guest Introduction

Prohibiting a State Party from Using Certain Words in its Name

Legislative Update-End of Session Legislation

Providing Health Aides with Updated Training

Legislative Update for 81st Assembly District

Legislative Update: Redistricting

Legislative Update-2022-2023 State Budget

2022-2023 State Budget Agreement

Legislative Update for 81st Assembly District

Legislative Update-2022-2023 State Budget

Legislative Update

Extending Absentee Voting Law

Public Hearing on Gun Safety Proposals and the Status of the Firearm Ammunition Sales Database

Public Hearing on Gun Safety Proposals and the Status of the Firearm Ammunition Sales Database (2)

Examining Gun Safety Proposals and the Status of the Firearm Ammunition Sales Database

Extending the Eviction Moratorium

Public Hearing on Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Public Hearing on Rank Choice Voting in NYC

Examining Rank Choice Voting in Recent NYC Election

Rank Choice Voting in NYC Elections

Creates the State Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate

Revocation of Community Supervision

Make Voting Easy Act

Prohibit Families From Being Sued for Unpaid School Meal Fees

Dinowitz Supports Extending the Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2020

Extending the Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2020

Protecting Co-Op Owners

Promoting the Possession of Opioid Antagonists

The HALT Solitary Confinement Act

Dinowitz Explains Vote On Terminating Certain Executive Powers

Election of State Board of Regents

Publishing Nursing Home Ratings

Dinowitz Questions State Police Acting Superintendent During Budget Hearing on Public Protection

Dinowitz Questions Honorable Lawrence K. Marks

Assemblymember Dinowitz Questions William Leahy

Dinowitz Questions Michael C. Green

COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act

Public Hearing on Online Administration of the Bar Examination in New York

Discussing the Online Administration of the Bar Examination in New York

Reviewing the on Online Administration of the Bar Examination in New York

Public Hearing Examining Budget and Staffing Reductions in the Judiciary Branch

Budget and Staffing Reductions Within the Judiciary Branch

NYS Court Clerks Association Testifies at Hearing on Budget and Staffing Reductions in the Judiciary Branch

Absentee Ballot Voting During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Expanding Absentee Ballot Voting

Forbidding Pre-payment Penalties for Mortgages in a Cooperative Form

Prohibiting the Use of Glyphosate on State Property

Protecting Tenants During COVID-19 State of Emergency

2020 State of the State Address

2019 Legislative Session Comes to an End

Dinowitz On Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act Of 2019

Dinowitz Fights to Protect Children from Deadly Illnesses

Assemblymember Dinowitz Supports Drivers Licenses for All New Yorkers

Dinowitz: Legislative Update

Legislative Public Hearings

Dinowitz Explains His Vaccination Legislation

Legislative Update

Negotiations Continue for the New State Budget

Dinowitz Fights to Keep Students Safe on Their Way to School

Assemblyman Dinowitz Fights For Consumers

Weekly Legislative Update

Update on Budget Negotiations

Update: 2019 Legislative Session

Dinowitz Fights to Ensure Homeowners are Fairly Represented in Court

Dinowitz Works to Prevent Dangerous Individuals from Obtaining Guns

Dinowitz Fights for Residential Utility Customers

Legislative Update 1-28-19

Dinowitz Fights Gender Identity Discrimination

Ensuring Legal Professionals Can Easily File Court Documents Electronically

Dinowitz Discusses the Electronic Filing of Motions

Dinowitz Questions New Yorkers' Ability to Find Help in Court Offices

Dinowitz Discusses Electronic Filing for Housing Court

Dinowitz Fights for Advanced Technology in Court Proceedings

Assemblyman Dinowitz Introduces Students and Staff from PS24

Dinowitz Prohibiting Smoking Within 100ft of Library

Dinowitz Questioning Parental Consent in Surrogacies

Dinowitz Questioning Costs for Surrogates

Dinowitz Questions Susan L. Crockin, JD on Surrogacy Agreements

Assemblyman Dinowitz Fights for Rent Stabilization

Dinowitz Nominates Betty Rosa for her Third Term as Regent

More Judges for the Bronx

Assemblymam Dinowitz addresses the Patient Privacy Protection Act

Reducing Evictions and Homelessness

Homelessness Prevention

Implementation of the State Budget on the Judiciary

Transit Access For Disabled Riders

Speed Cameras in School Zones

Tenant Rights

In Face of Penn Crisis, Federal Government Must Act

Prohibiting Non-Compete Agreements

NYC Primary Run-Off Elections

Early Voting Legislation

New York Penn Station Infrastructure Renewal Program

Improving Amtrack's Infrastructure

Improving Communication

Financial Concerns

Ensuring Nuclear Power Serves Upstate, Downstate Communities

The Clean Energy Established by the Public Service Commission

Transforming the Kings Bridge Armory

Changing Utility Rates

State Subsidies

Cost Of The "Zero-Emissions Credit" Program

ZEC Program and Impact on Jobs Statewide

Introduction of P.S. 24 Community Members

Introduction: Members of Children's Hospital at Montefiore

Learning More About Bronx DOT Projects

Joint Senate and Assembly Budget Hearing on Transportation

Plastic Bag Fee a Regressive Tax – Ban the Bag Instead

Half-fare MTA Passes to Veterans

Disaster Preparedness

Connecting Veterans with Benefits Through Driver's Licenses

Harmful e-Cigarettes Must be Included in the Clean Indoor Air Act

Preferential Rates

Assembly Tax Proposal Makes Dollars, Sense for Middle Class Families

Still Far to Go on Rent Regulations

Combining Primaries Saves Money, Empowers Voters

Bus Rapid Transit Program

A Constant Push Forward

Electronic Cigarette Gateway

Assemblymember Dinowitz explaining the importance of GENDA

Assembly Passes Extension of Rent Regulation

Appliance Public Awareness Campaign

Earth Day Environmental Justice

Averting Conflicts of Interest

Protecting Consumer Data

Teachers Aren't To Blame

Price Gouging

Debt Collectors To Keep Debtors Informed

Automatic License Plate Reader Regulations

Warning Consumers of Sugar’s Danger

Informational Card on Opioid Antagonist

Opioid Antagonists in Schools

New York State Quality Seafood Certification Program

Giving Utility Customers a Voice

Spying and Stalking Programs

Information Disclosure for Consumers

Larceny Prosecution

Cancer Screening

National Popular Vote Presidential Candidate

Assembly Budget Funds Universal Pre-K

Increase Crib Safety

Protecting Minors Against Identity Theft

Carbon Monoxide Detection

Assembly Passes Women's Equality Act

Women’s Equality Act

Credit Privacy In Employment Act

Tax Abatement Bill

Protection for Tenants

Erin Merryn's Law

Combating Elderly Abuse

Social Security protection

Debtor's Bill of Rights

Marriage Equality Vote

Banning Smoking in Parks

Rent Stabilization Debate1

Rent Stabilization Debate 2

2011-12 State Budget

Rent Regulation Event 3/23/11 Part 1

Rent Regulation Event 3/23/11 Part 2

National Popular Vote

Seniors Rent Freeze

Title XX Money

Arizona Immigration Resolution 1

Arizona Immigration Resolution 2

MTA Hearing Legislation

March 18, 2025
Asssemblymember Dinowitz, Chair of the Committee on Codes, speaks on funding for public protection in this years state budget.
Asssemblymember Dinowitz, Chair of the Committee on Codes, speaks on funding for public protection in this years state budget.