Assemblyman Dinowitz Provides 2005 NYC Parking Calendars

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz has issued his annual New York City Parking Calendar for people in the 81st Assembly District. The calendar lists the days that Alternate Side of the Street parking is suspended in New York City.

In addition to the dates, the calendar provides helpful parking tips and information about the street cleaning regulations.

"Most people say that having the parking regulations handy saves them time, money and the headache of having their car towed. Obeying parking regulations also helps with street cleaning and reduces traffic congestion," said Dinowitz.

"It is important that you carefully read the sign posted nearest where you park. It is not uncommon to see more than one sign posted on a pole, so be sure to read them all, and remember to always buckle up and hang up those cell phones when driving" stated Dinowitz.

Constituents of the Assemblyman can receive a copy of the Year 2005 Calendar by dropping by Assemblyman Dinowitz’ district office at 3107 Kingsbridge Avenue or calling 718-796-5345.