Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Teams Up With Kids to Raise Canned Food for the Holidays

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz has teamed up with Students of P.S. 7, P.S. 24, P.S. 81 and the Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy to collect canned food throughout the holiday season.

The drive is in effect from now until Friday December 19. Assemblyman Dinowitz is also providing his district office as a drop off site for any canned foods. Food will be donated to local food pantries throughout the Assemblyman’s district for the Thanksgiving, Chanukah and Christmas holiday seasons. The following canned and non-perishable food items are accepted: canned fruits and vegetables, cereals, dried beans, pasta, rice, tuna, coffee, teas, canned juices, powdered milk, jell-o, and soups. No glass jars are acceptable except for baby food. New, unwrapped toys are also being collected.

"The holiday season is the time for giving and it is most important to give to those who are less fortunate than we are during these times. I am glad to be teaming up with P.S. 7, P.S. 24, P.S. 81 and the Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy yet again for this very worthy cause," said Dinowitz.

Residents may donate their canned goods to Assemblyman Dinowitz’ office at 3107 Kingsbridge Avenue; one block west of Broadway, just off of West 231st Street. For more information call (718) 796-5345.