Press Releases

Ethics Reform Has Been Delayed For Far Too Long

Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) today is calling on newly elected Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie to keep his word that he will make ethics reform his top priority. In the wake of former speaker Sheldon Silver’s indictment on federal corruption...

Brabenec Named Ranking Minority Member Of Labor Committee

Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) has been named Ranking Minority Member of the New York State Assembly Labor Committee. Brabenec also serves on the Assembly Aging, Election Law, Cities, and Local Government committees. Upon receiving his appointments...

Brabenec: A New Speaker, A New Era

“In his first speech as Speaker, Carl Heastie emphasized an issue that has been a top priority of mine: ethics reform. He spoke of a new era in Albany in which there will be zero tolerance for sexual harassment; in which outside income will be regulated;...

Brabenec: DEC Commissioner Wrong To Designate Village Of Kiryas Joel As Lead Agency In Proposed Annexation

Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) expressed concern regarding today’s decision by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens to designate the Village of Kiryas Joel as Lead Agency for the proposed...

Brabenec: With Silver’s End, Hope Is On The Horizon

“After more than 21 years of dysfunction, greed and corruption, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s reign will come to an end on Monday. The Assembly Majority has been a rubber stamp for whatever Silver desired; now, we have a chance to come together...

Brabenec: Silver Must Resign Now

“The people of New York State deserve better than to have a federally indicted Speaker of the Assembly. My hope is that today's news will motivate my fellow members to bring Sheldon Silver's over-20-year career of corruption to an end by electing a...

Brabenec: Proposed Budget Will Not Save This State

The governor delivered one of his more eloquent speeches today and offered some very inspiring words on how to move our state into the New Year. However, Gov. Cuomo seems to be afraid to address the real problem that plagues our state: the out-of- control...

Brabenec Voices Opposition To Utility Rate Hikes

Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) today expressed disappointment and concern over Orange & Rockland Utilities’ (O&R) proposed rate hikes for 2015. O&R is proposing a six percent electric rate increase and a 19 percent natural gas rate hike,...