News Articles

Builders defend tax law that gives condo owners a break; critics look to close ‘unfair’ loophole

Albany lawmakers consider bill to expand child abuse reporting

Fighting for higher subminimum wage

Assemblymembers Wallace and Rivera become “servers for an hour” to push for One Fair Wage

State lawmakers take aim at a loophole granting owners of multi-million dollar homes the same tax status as condos

Bring back streetcars to Buffalo? Some lawmakers say yes.

Special education schools demand equal funding

Child care advocates celebrate more than $2 billion in funding for New York State

New York to steer $5 million a year in new mobile sports betting to youth

WNY lawmaker says state mobile sports betting revenue should boost youth sports

Amid scandals, Cuomo faces new pushback from state lawmakers

Assemblywoman wants percentage of mobile betting revenue to fund youth sports

NYS Assemblymember Monica Wallace calls on Gov. Cuomo to lift Orange Zone restrictions in Erie County

Wallace wants state to issue guidance for businesses that are still closed

Assemblywoman Wallace weighs in on school reopenings

Substance use disorder treatment programs face funding challenges amid COVID-19 pandemic

New York State Assembly passes broadband study bill

Waiting – and waiting, the unemployed turn to lawmakers for help

How to get help receiving your unemployment benefits

New York State unemployment claim backlog troubles state lawmaker