Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato Honors Police Officers During ‘Police Week’

Queens, NY New York State Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato passed a State-wide resolution to declare the week of May 12-18 as Police Week in the State of New York and publicly honored all fallen police officers. “Today we not only say thank you to our police officers for the work they do every day, but also to remember the brave officers we lost. I want to make sure our police officers and their families hear us when we say: thank you for your commitment, thank you for your dedication, and thank you for your sacrifice to ensure all of us are able to thrive in a free and just society,” said Pheffer Amato.

Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York (NYC PBA) President Patrick Hendry said: “National Police Week is not only a time to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It is [also] a time to honor all of the police officers who raise their right hands and put the safety of their communities ahead of their own.We thank Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato for taking the lead in honoring our heroes and saluting our profession.”

As Chair of the Committee on Governmental Employees, Pheffer Amato changed the law to ensure all NYPD officers would be able to borrow from their pension, and secured a pension increase for NYPD officers who work between 25-30 years. Pheffer Amato is also noted for changing the final average salary for pensions from a 5-year final average salary calculation, to now being calculated from the ‘highest 3 consecutive years’ to determine a person’s pension. She has also expanded benefits for Nassau County and Suffolk County Police Officers.

In addition, the Assemblywoman spoke at the 2024 Police Memorial Ceremony in Albany where over 60 names were added to the monument to commemorate fallen officers. During the ceremony, she expressed her condolences to the families of the fallen heroes and praised the character of police officers due to their selfless desire to serve and protect their community and the State.

“To the families of the police officers, the only words I can express is how proud you must be that you had a husband, wife, brother, sister, child - someone- who had the character to stand up and say ‘I want to protect and serve others.’ Let’s be honest, there’s not a lot of people who are willing to do that, to risk their life in order to protect others. I believe your loved one was the embodiment of good, and what it truly means to be a hero,” said Pheffer Amato. After her remarks, the Assemblywoman received a standing ovation from several police departments and unions who were present, along with a thank you from some of the families of the fallen officers.

“During Police Week, as we honor the sacrifices that those in the police community have faced, we also want to thank our friends in government for honoring and working to make sure the families of our fallen heroes are treated with dignity and respect. Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato has been and continues to be a standout in the legislature when it comes to honoring our profession and the families of our fallen. Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato not only spoke out and honored our heroes, but continually uses her legislative authority in the New York State Assembly to actually pass legislation to make sure the families are cared for. Every police officer sincerely thanks her for her work,” said Michael O’Meara, President of the Police Conference of New York, the largest law enforcement union in the State and the umbrella union for nearly every police union throughout New York.