Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato Receives 'Fighting Hate and Discrimination Award'

South Queens, NY New York State Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato received the distinguished “Fighting Hate and Discrimination Award” at the 2024 Met Council on Jewish Poverty’s Annual Legislative Breakfast. The Met Council is known as America’s largest Jewish charity dedicated to serving those in need. During the presentation of awards, Pheffer Amato received a standing ovation for her legislative accomplishments. Her remarks reflected on the pride she has for her Jewish identity, while praising her mother, Queens County Clerk and former NYS Assemblywoman Audrey I. Pheffer, who instilled the firm notion that combating Antisemitism was a “no-brainer” because there is “no room for hate in our State!”

The Assemblywoman has been credited as the leading advocate for the Jewish community in the State Legislature. Since her election in 2017, Pheffer Amato has been the reason for the ongoing funding for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education at Yeshivas, along with its annual increase each year. Further, the Assemblywoman recently secured a historic amount of funding for security with over $105 million through the Nonpublic School Safety Equipment Grant (NPSE) and SCAHC (Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes). In addition, during the 2024 State budget, Pheffer Amato was instrumental in elevating 20 existing crimes to now become eligible for hate crimes charges stating that “there are consequences for actions!”

Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato noticeably wore her “Bring Them Home” necklace which she received during her solidarity mission to Israel in the immediate aftermath of the October 7th terrorist attack. She is known for constantly wearing the necklace, while also plastering the walls outside her Capitol building office with posters of the hostages with the goal of raising awareness and bringing attention to the crisis, with the ultimate hope to bring them home now!