Press Releases

Hawley Slams State Directive Splitting Memorial Day Flag Honors between Vets and Essential Workers

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), a member of the Assembly Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, is sounding off about a directive from Governor Cuomo through the Office of Government Services that would split half-staff flag dedications on Memorial...

Hawley Calls For Rollback of Guidance Mandating Mask-Wearing for Children as Young as 2 in Daycares, Summer Camps

**EDITOR’S NOTE** Letter to Gov. Cuomo and Commissioner Zucker may be viewed here ​Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has written a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state Health Commissioner Howard Zucker slamming new guidelines published by...

Letter to Gov. Cuomo and Commissioner Zucker

Hawley Joins Assembly Minority in Calling for Ban on Book Income for Lawmakers Following Cuomo’s $5.1 Million Book Deal

​Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is joining his colleagues in the Assembly Minority calling for the passage of a bill (A.7107) that would prohibit statewide elected officials from profiting on published works while serving in their position....

Hawley Calls on Cuomo to Follow CDC Guidelines

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is putting pressure onGov. Cuomo to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) example and lift all mask mandates for those who have completed their COVID-19 vaccinations. A proponent against...

Hawley to Host Series of Town Hall Meetings in Genesee County

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) willhost a series of town hall meetings in Genesee County in the towns of Pavilion, LeRoy and Bergen on May 22. Residents are encouraged to attend to discuss local issues and share any questions or concerns they...

Hawley and DiPietro To Host Electronic Waste Recycling Event with Sunnking

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) and Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I- East Aurora) will be hosting an electronic waste recycling event with Sunnking on May 15, 2021 at the parking lot of 5130 E. Main Street, next to National Grid, in the town...

Hawley Announces Activation of Traffic Lights at Route 77 and Ledge Road Intersection in The Town of Alabama

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is announcing that traffic lights have been installed and activated at the Route 77 and Ledge Road intersection in the town of Alabama. The state Department of Transportation (DOT) had previously planned on construction...

Hawley Stands With Assembly Minority In Opposing Extension Of Eviction Moratorium

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is joining his colleagues in the Assembly Minority in standing against the extension of a legislative moratorium on evictions. The Assembly Majority has introduced a bill (A.7175) to extend the moratorium through...

Hawley Slams Assembly Majority Following Rejection of Bill Exempting Elderly Vets from State Income Taxes

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is railing against the Assembly Majority after they tabled a bill he sponsored during a Ways and Means Committee meeting that would have exempted veterans over the age of 85 from paying state income taxes (A.5033)....

Hawley Joins Sen. Rath, Legislator Gary Maha, Genesee Veterans Services Director Bill Joyce, and WNY Heroes in Announcing Dwyer Program Funding

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Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) was joined today at the Genesee County Veterans Service Agency by Senator Ed Rath (R,C,I-Amherst), Genesee County Legislator Gary Maha, Genesee County Veterans Services Director Bill Joyce and Chris Kreiger and...

Hawley Joins Assembly Minority in Calling on Speaker Heastie, Committee Chairs to Provide Justification for Restaurant Curfew

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) joined his Assembly Minority colleagues in calling on Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and associated committee leaders to provide them with copies of the required notices and justifications from the governor’s...

On The Budget: Record Spending, Poorly Spent

“As families throughout the state have tightened their budgets throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to prepare for an uncertain future, the Majority has decided now is the time to become more cavalier than ever in their spending. Worse yet, by increasing...

Hawley Slams Proposals to Establish ‘Excluded Workers Fund’ to Provide Billions in Aid to Illegal Immigrants

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is vocalizing his opposition to the proposed establishment of an “excluded workers fund” in this year’s state budget, which advocates hope will provide over $2.1 billion in new state funding to provide aid...

Hawley Disappointed as Recreational Marijuana Bill Becomes Law

​“What passed in the Assembly today has no basis in justice or science, and I fear that the revenue this bill projects our legal marijuana program will bring in has blinded them to the real costs of this legislation. What we know is that in other...

Hawley And Assembly Minority Call on Gov. Cuomo to Release $1.3 Billion in Federal Cares Act Housing Funding

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) joined other members of the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences on Wednesday in calling on Gov. Cuomo to release $1.3 billion in CARES Act housing assistance funding to aid tenants and landlords. If the money...

Hawley Renews Call for Impeachment Following Report Gov. Reserved State COVID Tests for Family and Allies

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is renewing his call for the governor’s impeachment following a bombshell report that the governor secured state-administered COVID tests for himself, members of his family and those with close political and...

Hawley Joins Assembly and Senate Minority in Calling for End to 11 P.M. Bars and Restaurants Curfew

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“The curfew in place for our bars and restaurants has no base in science and has been extremely harmful to small businesses throughout the state,” said Hawley. “To allow people to remain in casinos after 11 p.m. but not restaurants is ridiculous....

Hawley Critical of Increased Taxes in Assembly Budget Proposal

“Following an incredibly generous allocation of federal aid to the tune of approximately $100 billion that would, according to a member of Sen. Chuck Schumer’s staff, wipe out our state deficit for the year entirely, we have been presented a tremendous...

Hawley Hopes to See Impeachment Investigation Move Forward Swiftly

“As we begin to work with our colleagues in the Majority to commence our impeachment investigation, I only hope it will move forward both swiftly and sincerely. The large volume and grave nature of the allegations made against the governor have already...