Press Releases

Assemblyman David DiPietro’s Statement On Voting To Protect Second Amendment Rights

The legislation passed today by the Assembly will do nothing to prevent tragedies like those in Sandy Hook and Webster. All this legislation does is make it more difficult for decent Americans to invoke their Second Amendment rights. Those law-abiding...

Assemblyman David DiPietro Encourages Residents To Contact Him

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C - East Aurora) has replaced former Assemblyman Dan Burling as the people’s representative in the 147th Assembly District. The new assemblyman encourages his constituents to contact him about any new or existing issues...

DiPietro: Governor’s State Of The State Focuses Too Heavily On Social Issues

Today’s State of the State Address focused too heavily on social issues while our economy continues to struggle. If we do nothing to curb state debt, it will continue to rise. For decades, Albany has consistently spent more than it can afford and...

Assemblyman David DPietro Receives Oath of Office

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In a ceremony held in Albany today, freshman Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C - East Aurora) was administered the oath of office for his role as the new representative of the 147th Assembly District. “It’s a great honor to be representing the...

Assemblyman David DiPietro Takes Oath Of Office In Native East Aurora

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Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C, East Aurora) was recently administered his Oath of Office for the State Assembly in the town where he served as Mayor, East Aurora. This past November, DiPietro was elected to serve in the Assembly in the newly created...