Press Releases

DiPietro Attends Rally Calling to Fully Repeal Bail Reform

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) at a rally to repeal Bail Reform on Tuesday, February 4 in Albany.
Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) attended a rally in Albany today, standing with over 250 members of law enforcement, state senators and assemblymen, calling for a full repeal of bail reform. DiPietro echoes the message of the rally to prevent...

DiPietro Calls for Full Bail Reform Repeal

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) attended a press conference this morning alongside Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski) and the Assembly Minority Conference to call for the full repeal of the bail reform measures from...

DiPietro Awards Attica Central School Teacher Certificate of Excellence

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) pictured with a teacher of excellence Matthew Struzik.
Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) recently awarded Matthew Struzik, an English teacher at the Attica Central School District ,a certificate naming him a teacher of excellence. DiPietro is resolved to giving attention and praise to teachers...

DiPietro Awards Wyoming Teacher with Certificate of Excellence

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) pictured with a teacher of excellence Kimberly Alfes.
Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) recently awarded Kimberly Alfes, an art teacher and advisor at the Wyoming Central School District, a certificate naming her a teacher of excellence. DiPietro is resolved to giving attention and praise to...

Deficits and Delinquents: State of the State 2020

“Gov. Cuomo is living in a dream world this year, while the rest of us are in a nightmare. So many progressive highlights and so-called ‘success stories’. Well Mr. Governor, in case you hadn’t noticed, we have a public safety crisis...

DiPietro to Host Blood Drive alongside ConnectLife

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) and ConnectLife are hosting a blood drive in Attica, NY on Friday, Dec. 27. The event will run from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Boston Town Hall’s Community Room, 8600 Boston State Road, Boston, NY 14025....

New York 2020: Bound For Broke?

So here we are everyone, the end of the 2019 calendar year and we’re getting ready for the holidays. Setting up decorations, meeting with loved ones and buying presents, and boy have we got one monster of a present from Gov. Cuomo and the Majority...

Assemblyman David DiPietro To Sponsor Free Snowmobile Safety Course

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) will be sponsoring a free snowmobile safety course in Colden on Sunday, December 15, 2019. The event will be held at the Tipsy Goat Lakeside Grill, located at 9504 Heath Road in Colden from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m....

Justice for the Justice System

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) has joined many of his colleagues in sponsoring a new bill introduced by Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) to repeal the criminal justice package passed by the Assembly this year. Assemblyman Karl...

New Bail Reform a Sign of The Times

This year we’ve experienced a monumental attack on our freedoms, values and our way of life here in Western New York. We’ve had the leftist-dominated Legislature pass bills supporting illegal immigrants, giving prisoner’s a luxury lifestyle,...

Safekeeping Our Future

“One of my highest priorities as a community member, a father and a legislator is protecting our children. When you send your children to school every morning, from the moment they step on the school bus to the second the get off it, you should be...

DiPietro Honors East Aurora Fire Department

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) at the 150th Anniversary of the East Aurora Fire Department with Chief Greg Egloff and Chief Roger Leblanc on Saturday, September 22.
Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) recently attended a ceremony to celebrate 150 years of the East Aurora Fire Department’s service to their community. DiPietro honored the department’s storied history and both of its fire chiefs...

DiPietro Honors Local Community Servant

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) recently honored Michael DiJoseph, the owner of a local hot spot in East Aurora, Mikey Dee’s, for outstanding service to his community. Mikey Dee’s is a centerpiece of East Aurora and often serves...

DiPietro: Honoring Our Fallen Heroes

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) recently honored one of our nation’s finest who fell in the line of duty by memorializing a bridge in his honor this past Sunday, September 15. Sgt. Brian K. Baker was a serviceman in Iraq who fell heroically...

License Plates and Cash Grabs

“Over the past few weeks we’ve seen Gov. Cuomo’s attempts to line the state’s coffers by charging an exorbitant price to replace outdated license plates in New York state. This comes on the heels of the most progressive and liberal...

DiPietro Announces Library Funding

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) is pleased to announce three libraries in the 147th AD will be receiving funding from the State Education Department Public Library Construction Project. The Angola Public Library in Erie County will be...

DiPietro Honors Community Servants

DiPietro Honors Community Servants
Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) recently honored Christina and Neal Dietz for their outstanding community service and representation of the values and traditions of Western New York. “Christina and Neal are outstanding examples of...

Albany: Dysfunction and Deceit

“With the legislative session for 2019 closed out, it’s time to take stock of the impact that downstate Majority politicians have had on Western New York and our way of life. Even a brief overview showcases a dangerous trend that has accelerated...

This Session Sends One Message, Split the State

“The amount of outrageous leftist bills that got passed this year is simply staggering- The Dream Act, driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, full term abortion! That’s not to mention the unionization of farm workers, a purely socialist...

DiPietro Slams New Farm Legislation

“This farm bill will cripple western New York’s agricultural foundation” DiPietro said. “I bet these downstate Majority politicians have never even set foot on a farm and are forcing their short-sighted policies onto the very industry...