Brabenec Warns Single-Payer Health Care Could Bankrupt Middle Class

A statement from Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) on the legislature’s proposal of universal health care

“What liberals don’t tell you regarding ‘Medicare for all’ is that while it may increase access to health care, it comes at a devastating cost – an extra $18,000 per year tax increase for each middle-class family.

“Furthermore, they won’t tell you that when accessibility is increased, quality goes down, especially for those seeking expensive treatments for serious diseases like cancer. Providers will be forced to consolidate, doctors will be rationed and your condition may worsen simply waiting to receive care.

“A better solution would be to create health care savings accounts, financed with existing state resources, to ensure that families have the ultimate choice over their health care decisions.

“In light of the projected $2.3 billion budget shortfall this year, we simply cannot afford this expensive and unnecessary program.”