According To NYC Liberals, a Life of Crime Should Pay

New York City Politicians are pushing a proposal to increase pay for convicts

Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) today admonished a proposal by New York City Politicians to increase prisoner pay by thirty times the current amount for work done inside prisons. Many convicted rapists, murderers and drug dealers who were given free computer tablets by Gov. Cuomo last year along with voting rights upon parole, would see a large pay bump under the plan.

“Apparently, a life of crime should pay, according to New York’s socialists. Under this plan, a convict would not only receive taxpayer-funded meals and living quarters, but free computer tablets and a healthy pay raise,” Brabenec said. “These proposals are so asinine, I am almost at a loss for words, but I guess it makes sense to court the felon vote when your message has failed among the middle class.

“When’s the last time the law-abiding taxpayer got a break,” Brabenec continued. “The socialists in our state are already giving illegals free college tuition and now they want to pad the pockets of rapists and sex offenders – do they have any moral compass? I will do everything in my power to make sure this does not become a reality.”