Brabenec Blasts Majority’s Plan for Early Release of Felons

In light of news surfacing over the weekend of legislation (A.4319) that would allow certain felons and state prisoners to be paroled at age 55, regardless of their crime or imposed sentence, (A.4319) Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) is admonishing the proposal as an abdication of public safety an insult to crime victims across the state.

“Being old does not make up for the atrocities and damage many incarcerated felons have done to society and their victims,” Brabenec said.

“First it was free iPads, email access and a pay raise to felons, then it was pardons and voting rights for those on parole and now the Assembly Majority wants to send every 55-year-old, regardless of their crimes, to a parole hearing to justify release – disgraceful,” Brabenec continued.

“This is a slap in the face to the families of victims of people like Judith Clark and Herman Bell, who committed unconscionable acts of violence, robbery and murder. Make no mistake, this isn’t about lightning the burden on our prisons, this is about increasing the number of years a felon can vote, while putting us all at risk,” Brabenec finished.