Press Releases

Jensen: Despite A Record Price Tag, Budget Falls Short

“The budget passed today is the largest in our state’s history, reaching a soaring $220+ billion, yet is days late and lacking in priorities that millions of New Yorkers have been calling for. While there were items included that were certainly positive,...

Jensen Pushes For Critical Library Funding In State Budget

“As we get closer to a finalized state budget, it’s essential our state’s libraries receive the funding they need to successfully operate and serve our communities. Our libraries aren’t just a place to check out books, they are community hubs...

Jensen: Respect For Our Taxpayers

Assemblyman Josh Jensen (R,C,I-Greece) has introduced a package of legislation to help New Yorkers keep more money in their pockets and respect the tax dollars sent to the state government. The “Respect Taxpayer Dollars Act” would: Create the Office...

Jensen: Governor's Medicaid Plan Does Not Go Far Enough

Assemblyman Josh Jensen (R,C,I-Greece) is calling on Gov. Hochul to increase Medicaid rates to correct the damage done by budget cuts during the COVID-19 pandemic to long-term care facilities and nursing homes and fix years of neglect through lack of...

Jensen Nursing Home Budget Letter

Jensen: Suny Brockport to Give Convicted Murderer a Platform

“I ask that SUNY Brockport rescind its invitation to Anthony Bottom to be featured as a guest speaker on campus. Mr. Bottom, who now identifies as Jalil Muntaqim, is the convicted murderer of two New York City police officers. What type of message would...

Jensen: SUNY Brockport to Give Convicted Murderer a Platform - Letter

Jensen: Our Veterans Need Support

Photo as described in caption
 Assemblyman Josh Jensen (R,C,I-Greece) joined Assembly Members Jake Ashby and Ed Ra and other members of the Assembly Minority Conference to call for additional investments in the 2022-23 State Budget to help support veterans, veterans’ organizations...

Our Climate Act Scoping Plan — Let Your Voice Be Heard!

On Dec. 30, 2021, the New York State Climate Action Council released its draft Scoping Plan, the state’s recommended blueprint for achieving the ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reductions and zero emissions power generation requirements. The full...

Jensen: Local Roads Are Essential

Assemblyman Josh Jensen (R,C,I-Greece) joined members of the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences, as well as county and town highway superintendents at a press conference to call for increased state support for local roads, bridges, and culverts....

Jensen: We Need To Help New York Recover

Assemblyman Josh Jensen (R,C,I-Greece) joined his colleagues in the Assembly Minority Conference in calling for the passage of a bill to suspend sales tax on necessities like groceries, gas and housekeeping supplies (A.8481). Inflation has caused the...

Jensen Disappointed By Failure To Invest In Libraries In Governor’s Budget Proposal

“Yesterday, Gov. Hochul unveiled her first state budget proposal. While there was plenty to be encouraged by, including funds for health care, nursing homes, education and infrastructure, there is still reason for concern. One of my disappointments...

Jensen: New Yorkers Deserve Common-Sense Budget

“With economic turmoil plaguing our state and the cost of living exploding, now is not the time for our state to have a ballooning budget. I have serious concerns about the potential of another budget that dramatically increases government spending....

Jensen: Public Safety Should Be Our #1 Priority

Assemblyman Josh Jensen (R,C,I-Greece) joined members of the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences to advocate for a public safety plan to address the ongoing rise in crime in communities across New York state.Assemblyman Jensen and his colleagues...

Jensen: Enough With The Status Quo

“Our state is facing real, difficult problems. Unfortunately, we didn’t hear enough about how this administration will solve the everyday issues concerning New Yorkers in my community and across the state: skyrocketing prices, soaring inflation, and...

Jensen Calls for Medicaid Increase for Nursing Homes

Long-term care in New York is in a state of crisis – and to prevent more damage from being done, it is critically important that the state give an appropriate level of support to our nursing homes who continue to work tirelessly to protect residents...

Jensen: Repealing Religious Exemption for Health Care Workers Is Disastrous

 “Our health care workers have remained steadfast in their duty to care for thousands of New Yorkers during the COVID-19 pandemic. As staffing shortages caused nurses and staff to work overtime shifts for over 20 months, Gov. Hochul has only exacerbated...

Jensen Co-Hosts Successful Make A Difference Days Event

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Assemblyman Josh Jensen (R,C,I-Greece) was proud to join Hilton Central School District, Hilton-Parma Parks and Recreation, Wegmans and various community partners to team up and co-host this year’s Make a Difference Days. Make a Difference Days is an...

Jensen: New York Is Failing Our Healthcare Heroes

“Across our state, hospitals, nursing homes and healthcare systems are grappling with a crisis that was entirely out of their control. Gov. Kathy Hochul’s failure to compromise on her unilateral vaccine mandate is causing tremendous uncertainty when...

Jensen Hosts Successful Fall Shredding Event

Photo as described in caption
 Assemblyman Josh Jensen (R,C,I-Greece) hosted a free fall shredding event with the Village of Spencerport, Town of Ogden and Shred-Text. “Today’s event offered neighbors in Ogden and Spencerport the opportunity to safely and securely shred confidential...