Press Releases

Brabenec Sponsored Women’s Equality Legislation Becomes Law

“Today is a truly historic day in the fight for women’s rights in New York State. I am proud to announce that the Women’s Equality Agenda becomes law today to protect women from sexual harassment and pregnancy discrimination in the workplace as...

Brabenec Trumpets Good Gov’t Reforms At Orange Co. Chamber Of Commerce Breakfast

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Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) addressed Orange County Chamber of Commerce members at a breakfast Thursday held to allow legislators the opportunity to provide an update on what is happening in Albany. Brabenec explained the ethics reforms...

Brabenec Takes Advice from Local School Children

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Last week, Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) hosted a “My Idea for a Law” poster contest at Sloatsburg Elementary School. Brabenec encouraged second-grade students to think of an everyday problem they believe could be solved with a new state...

Brabenec Baffled by Governor’s Veto of Veterans’ Pension Bill

Today, Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) is demanding answers after Gov. Cuomo vetoed a veterans’ pension buy-back program for the second year in a row. The bill, which was passed in both the Senate and Assembly, was sponsored by Brabenec,...

Brabenec Holds Food Drive for Holiday Season

Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) is partnering with local charities to collect and distribute food to those less fortunate during the holiday season. Donations of canned goods, pasta, cereal, dry milk, almond milk, soy milk, baby formula, diapers,...

Brabenec Continues Constituent Meet and Greet Event

Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) today released an updated schedule of his district-wide constituent meetings. Brabenec now moves to Rockland County, where he will continue to encourage local residents to meet with him and his staff to discuss...

Brabenec’s Heroin Forum Seeks to Heal Community

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Last night, Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) hosted a public forum at Port Jervis High School to discuss the ongoing heroin epidemic that has claimed the lives of thousands. Across the nation, addiction to this drug has become a disease that...

Brabenec Critical Of Cuomo’s Common Core Panel

“Gov. Cuomo’s announcement of a commission to revamp Common Core is nothing but a political farce designed to trick New Yorkers into believing he is listening to their concerns. With the announcement of yet another commission to hide behind, Gov....

Brabenec Tours Small Business in Monroe

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Recently, Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R, C, I-Deerpark) visited local shops in the village of Monroe on a small-business walking tour with Mayor James Purcell, Laurie Dziedzic, President of the Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce (GMCOC), and Paul Campanella,...

Brabenec Disappointed by Annexation Vote

“This annexation is going to set a terrible and dangerous precedent. Never before has state law been used in such an aggressive land grab scenario. An annexation of land by the Village of Kiryas Joel will create huge problems for all of Orange County,...

Brabenec To Cuomo: “Welcome To The Conversation”

“Common Core is broken. Parents, teachers, administrators and students have been well aware that New York’s implementation of the national standards has been abysmal. Until today, Gov. Cuomo has blatantly ignored the pleas of these stakeholders. While...

Brabenec To Tour Town Of Monroe Small Businesses

On Friday, September 4, Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) will be joined by Village of Monroe Mayor James Purcell and Laurie Dziedzic of the Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce to tour downtown Monroe starting at 3 p.m. at Monroe Village Hall....

Brabenec To Honor Local Chef During Swiss American Heritage Month

In honor of Swiss American Heritage Month, Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) will join local officials at a small gathering at the Chateau Hathorn, 33 Hathorn Rd in Warwick. Earlier this year, Brabenec and Gov. Cuomo penned an official Assembly...

Brabenec, Dubois Host Yellow Dot Senior Safety Info Session

This coming Friday, Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) will join Orange County Sheriff Carl DuBois at the Town of Warwick Senior Center to meet and talk with local residents about a life-saving program called “Yellow Dot.” Yellow Dot is a...

Brabenec Reacts To Veto Of Anti-Annexation Bill

“I’m profoundly disappointed that Gov. Cuomo vetoed both of the Kiryas Joel Annexation Oversight Bills. These bi-partisan bills passed both the Assembly and Senate overwhelmingly and would have provided much-needed and much-desired oversight to the...

Brabenec: No Applause At The End Of This Show

A full week after the Assembly was supposed to have completed its work, the gavel finally came down on this year's last session just after midnight. The indictments of former Speaker Sheldon Silver and Majority Leader Dean Skelos meant that almost nothing...

Brabenec Pens Letter To Assemblyman Hikind

In response to Assemblyman Dov Hikind’s assertion that those opposed to the Kiryas Joel Annexation are “anti-Hasidic Jew,” Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) sent a scathing missive in response to Hikind’s untrue, ill-conceived remarks....

Brabenec, Skoufis Pass Legislation To Stop KJ Annexation

Today, Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) and Assemblyman James Skoufis (D-Woodbury) voted to enact bipartisan legislation that has the potential to stop Kiryas Joel’s annexation plans. Assembly Bill 7639, introduced by Skoufis and co-sponsored...

Brabenec Slams DMV For Selling Personal Info

Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) is calling for an investigation into reports that the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is selling motorists’ personal information to direct mail and ad agencies for profit. Brabenec and a number...

Brabenec: Veterans Deserve Pension Legislation

Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (R,C,I-Deerpark) is calling on the Assembly Majority to bring veterans buy-back legislation he sponsors to the floor for a vote. If enacted, this would let honorably-discharged veterans enrolled in the state pension system to...