Press Releases

Blankenbush: Assembly Majority Drags Its Feet On Heroin Epidemic

“Today, the Senate released the findings of its Heroin and Opioid Addiction Task Force and voted on legislation that would ensure the state is actively combating the epidemic that has shaken the state. I applaud Sen. Griffo and his house for taking...

Leave Our Farmers Alone

Once again, New York’s family farmers are under attack, this time by the governor’s office and its group of disconnected followers. The brazenness of this administration to depict farmers as ruthless and abusive employers is outrageous. The way the...

Blankenbush: Lateness Of Tax Freedom Day Highlights Burden On New Yorkers

“Yesterday, New York became the 48th state to celebrate Tax Freedom Day in 2016. Tax Freedom Day marks the day when residents have earned enough money to cover their federal, state and local tax requirements. The fact that it takes 132 days of garnished...

The Time For Ethics Has Always Been Now

With the sentencing of former Speaker Sheldon Silver on Tuesday, there is no doubt the focus of New York’s residents will be squarely on ethics reforms. We may also be lucky enough to see legislators from the Assembly Majority emerge from the shadows...

Blankenbush: Launches End Of Session Ethics Push

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) proposed several new ethics reforms yesterday, to address the looming issue of corruption that hangs over the state Capitol. While every proposal made by Blankenbush and his Assembly Minority colleagues...

Blankenbush Announces Veterans Workshop

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) announced today that the 117th Assembly District will host three financial coaching workshops for veterans across the district. At these workshops, veterans will receive individualized educational assistance...

Blankenbush Adamant On Issue Of Ethics Reforms

“With the sentencing of former Speaker Sheldon Silver today, New York State’s Legislature is in the spotlight again for all the wrong reasons. My Assembly Minority colleagues and I have offered rules and ethics reforms numerous times, but the Majority...

Giving Small Businesses The Break They Need

Another week goes by and another pair of doors closes for good. This is the life of a small business in New York State. Consistently ranked one of the worst states to work and live in, New York leaders continue to ignore facts and basic economics in favor...

Downstate Policies Destined to Hurt Farmers

With the welcoming of spring and its warm weather, the men and women of our agriculture community will once again be busy at work. Fields must be prepped, soil must be tilled, and seeds must be sowed. However, with the start of this farming season, uncertainty...

Legislative Recap At The Half-Way Mark

The conclusion of this week marks the end of the first half of the legislative year, and I wanted to take the time to review what has happened over the last three months. I have met with some wonderful people and groups; we have seen the passage of significant...

Assembly Minority Introduces Swap

Infrastructure is the city under the city. It is the base of the towns and cities we see today. Underneath our feet however, our underground city is slowly corroding away. We may not be able to see the danger of crumbling pipes, water and sewage systems...

Three Men In A Room

As the budget negotiations concluded, one thing became abundantly clear: the absolute need for ethics reforms and transparency in government operations. Through this entire process the legislature was kept completely in the dark. This is not how a democracy...

Blankenbush Baffled By the Assembly Majority’s Disconnect

“Budget season is one of the most important times of each legislative year, yet the lack of transparency is more glaring than ever. Ethics reforms continue to be a nonstarter for the Assembly Majority and it is no shocker that they have left any sort...

Blankenbush Announces Citizen Preparedness Training

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) announced today that the 117th Assembly District will host a Citizen Preparedness Corps training class. This class will be held this Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the Florence Volunteer Fire...

Upstate Majority Silence Is Deafening

With the recent passage of the Assembly Majority’s one-house budget proposal, it’s obvious there is something wrong going on in Albany. Their budget wish list proposed near doubling the state spending cap yet decreased funding for some of upstate’s...

Blankenbush Dismayed At Another Weak Proposal

“Today, I voted in support of the Assembly’s rules reform resolution. This vote, however, was done with a grain of salt. The Assembly Majority failed once again to place any sort of pension forfeiture or term limit reforms in its proposal. After a...

Ethics Can’t Stop Here

This week, the New York State Assembly passed Speaker Heastie’s ethics reform bill to limit outside income of members of the Assembly. This bill will limit the outside income of Assembly members to $77,000 in addition to their base Assembly salary in...

Blankenbush Attends Press Conference Opposing Minimum Wage

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) attended a press conference yesterday regarding the proposed increase of the state’s minimum wage and the disastrous consequences an increase would have on the state’s economy. The event, held by the...

Blankenbush Disappointed With Disparity In Budget Proposal

“Once again, upstate looks to have drawn the short end of the stick and will have to fight for the funding we deserve. I am disappointed to see the Assembly has ignored our call for unfunded mandate relief. New York is already one of the highest taxed...

Blankenbush Supports Licensing Application Process

“I am pleased Director of Veteran’s Affairs, Eric Hesse, has finally acknowledged the need for licensing application reform. It is past time we make this happen. Current New York State law requires military spouses relocated to New York to relicense...