Press Releases

Farmers Feed Our Future

The warmer weather rolling through the state this week was a friendly reminder that spring is, indeed, right around the corner. This Sunday marks the beginning of National Agriculture Week, and grants us the opportunity to really consider how important...

The Governor’s Political ‘Game Of Life’

It’s safe to say we all want the best for our children and grandchildren. We want them to grow up in a vibrant, safe and successful community. We want them to fulfill their dreams and get good jobs. We want to instill in them certain values and a strong...

Blankenbush Calls For Resolution In Salt Water Dispute

“We need a coordinated effort between local and county officials to determine the source of the water contamination in the towns of Pitcairn and Greig, one that also includes the Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Environmental Conservation...

Fighting The Status Quo

Maintaining the Status Quo, by definition, is to keep the current or existing social and political values as is. This is precisely how the Assembly Majority of New York State operates. A majority of the people in New York are fed up with how this state...

Blankenbush Leads Charge For Upstate Priorities

Editor’s Note: Please click here for the original article “Yesterday, Gov. Cuomo held an hour long press-conference with upstate editorial boards. In this press conference, he admitted that downstate legislative leadership was looking to do away...

Unfunded Mandates: Albany’s Cowardly Way To Raise Your Taxes

Unfunded mandates are a prime example of the overreach and carelessness being carried out by our governor and the Assembly Majority. For those who are unfamiliar with the concept of unfunded mandates, they are state-ordered programs placed on local communities...

Blankenbush Pushes To Reform College Debt

New York is home to two of the largest state university systems in the entire country. This widespread access to higher education is one of the many things that makes this state so special. In recent years, however, the cost of college has continued to...

Blankenbush Supports College Affordability Agenda

Today, Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I – Black River) offered his support for the Assembly Minority’s plan to better prepare students for the workforce as well as combat rising costs of tuition for higher education. “For years, the cost...

Upstate New York Needs Fair Share Of Infrastructure Investment

There are many competing infrastructure needs in our state, and we must carefully examine and plan how public dollars will be invested. The most pressing needs are often overlooked because they aren’t the flashy attention-getting projects. Let’s face...

Prevention And Treatment Resources Will Combat Crushing Heroin Epidemic

It’s time to have an open dialogue about the very daunting but extremely real issue plaguing our communities: the heroin epidemic. It’s difficult to believe that heroin has snuck its way into our quiet neighborhoods, but the unfortunate reality is...

Blankenbush, Colleagues Shed Light On Heroin Epidemic, Provide Solutions

Photo as described in caption
**Editor’s note – click here for a .mp4 file of Assemblyman Blankenbush speaking after today’s press conference** Today, at a press conference in Albany, Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) and his colleagues in the Assembly Minority...

Time To Put Our Children First; Close The Gap In 2016

After hearing Gov. Cuomo’s Budget Address and digesting his proposals over the last week, one thing became clear: he has lost sight of what’s most important to our state. Our children’s education should be the top priority this year and every year;...

Contract With Greenskies To Reduce Energy Costs For Lewis County

The agreement between Lewis County and Greenskies Renewable Energy is beneficial in more ways than one; Lewis County now will be able to rely on a greener source of energy while also drastically reducing electric expenses. Cutting costs where we can and...

Blankenbush Eager To Ease The Burden On Small Businesses In 2016

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) today expressed support for Gov. Cuomo’s fourth 2016 agenda proposal to raise the Personal Income Tax exemption for small businesses. Blankenbush emphasized that lowering taxes on small businesses is critical...

Time To Put A Stop To Executive Overreach

The 2016 Legislative Session is now underway, and it’s safe to say, there is no shortage of issues we have to tackle this year. Many constituents have contacted me with their questions, concerns, and issues they want resolved in 2016. An issue that...

Blankenbush Outlines 2016 Session Priorities

*** EDITOR’S NOTE: To view Assemblyman Blankenbush’s comments on the start of the 2016 Legislative Session click here or visit*** “I’m very excited to be back in Albany and get this year’s legislative session...

Blankenbush Staff to Hold January Mobile Office Hours

The staff of Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) will hold mobile office hours on Wednesday, January 20 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Lowville Town Office; Tuesday, January 26 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Camden Village Office; and Thursday, January...

Legislative Resolutions For 2016: A Safer, Prosperous, Ethical New York

With the New Year upon us, now is a great opportunity to reflect on what we have accomplished in the last 12 months, and where we can make improvements for the year ahead. In the legislature, 2015 held some significant accomplishments along with a number...

Agriculture: Established Industry, New Directions For 2016

As one of New York State’s oldest industries, agriculture continues to grow and change while remaining a critical component of our economy today. There’s no denying that family farms are an integral part of our region, and agriculture plays a fundamental...

Education Solutions From The Public

New York state has been learning hard lessons about creating education policy in a vacuum. I find that the most successful and reasonable education solutions come from educators, school administrators and parents directly. A few years ago, my colleagues...