Sponsored Legislation
Prime-Sponsored Legislation:
A02724 Requires victims be notified of right to make a victim impact statement and allows them to personally appear at parole hearings and make such a statement A02726 Establishes a program for the sharing of veteran contact information A02728 Offers installment payment plans as an option for persons with violations of toll collection regulations A02808 Relates to the filling of borrow pits in Jamaica Bay A02809 Relates to authorizing a personal income tax deduction for tolls, fees and other related commuting expenses paid by a taxpayer in the course of commuting to and from his or her place of employment A02824 Creates the New York flood insurance association A02842 Establishes the water safety instruction working group A02863 Relates to creating a tax credit for small businesses which are required to have and maintain marine bulkheads A02866 Makes provisions with respect to notices of homeowners deductibles triggers for hurricane windstorms A02923 Requires school crossing guards at high schools A02924 Enacts "Ildefonso Romero's law" to establish the felony offense of aggravated assault A02937 Relates to instruction in financial management A02965 Establishes a real property tax exemption for veterans with a 100 percent service connected disability A02981 Requires lithium batteries of less than one inch in diameter and products containing such batteries to be labeled with warnings related thereto A03041 Relates to establishing when a tip credit applies to employees working at tipped and non-tipped occupations on the same day A03088 Provides that no school located in N.Y. city shall be in session on the day of a primary or general election A03100 Establishes St. Patrick's day as a school holiday for all city school districts of one million or more with an Irish-American population of 7.5% or more A03101 Requires certain information be made available to elected officials prior to funding reductions for hospitals and nursing homes A03107 Prohibits the imposition and collection of a fare, toll, rental, rate, charge or other fee on the Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge A03108 Prohibits individuals under the age of twenty-one from gambling A03114 Relates to safety recalls on used motor vehicles A03127 Includes certain activity in transit and transportation facilities with the crime of criminal trespass in the second degree A03128 Makes life imprisonment without parole mandatory for defendants convicted of murder in the first degree and the victim is a police officer A03341 Establishes a central business district toll exemption for certain police officers A03365 Relates to providing transportation for children with a handicapping condition A03752 Relates to veterans' preferences with respect to civil service promotions A03753 Relates to waiving the earning limitations for retired sworn officers employed by a district attorney as investigators A03754 Relates to authorizing geographic pay differentials for certain police officers A03755 Relates to prohibiting retroactive minimum conditions of employment A03756 Relates to the grounds for which the public employment relations board may seek injunctive relief A03757 Prohibits public employers from taking disciplinary action against public employees in certain cases A03758 Relates to the payment of costs for line of duty injuries of police officers and firefighters A03759 Relates to hazard duty pay for essential work performed in accordance with a state emergency disaster declaration A03760 Relates to hearing procedures for certain public employees A03761 Relates to establishing a variable supplements fund for sanitation members of the New York city employees' retirement system A03762 Requires the New York state power authority and its employees to submit all unresolvable contract negotiations to binding arbitration A03763 Establishes maximum age requirements for New York city correctional officers A03764 Relates to the reimbursement for medicare charges A03765 Relates to the determination of state contributions for certain benefits provided pursuant to collective bargaining agreements A03766 Provides for salary and benefits of managerial or confidential employees A03767 Relates to employee representation of state employees designated managerial or confidential A03768 Prohibits the diminution of health insurance benefits of certain public employee retirees A03769 Relates to the appointment and promotion of supervisors of the fire alarm dispatcher service A04124 Relates to requiring all banking organizations to have a notary public available during business hours A04582 Provides that a fentanyl analogue shall be deemed to be a schedule I opiate A04846 Allows schools to provide water safety instruction to students in grades kindergarten through twelve A05055 Relates to authorizing police/fire members of the New York city fire department pension fund to obtain credit for service as an EMT member A05164 Relates to authorizing service credit for unpaid or reduced paid child care leave for members of the state police twenty year retirement plan A05173 Relates to transfer of sick time A05201 Relates to the effect and rebuttal of certain medical presumptions relating to heart disease A05202 Provides for the pension benefits for first grade police officers of the city of New York who have served for 25 or 30 years A05205 Provides a lung disease presumption for correction officers, correction supervisors, deputy sheriff patrol or deputy sheriff patrol supervisors A05207 Designates sheriffs, under-sheriffs and deputy sheriffs of the city of New York as police officers A05209 Relates to member contribution per centum increases A05210 Relates to the appointment and promotion of certain personnel of the sanitation department of the city of New York A05231 Relates to the calculation of past service credit for deputy sheriffs transferring between the state and local employees' retirement system to the state and local police and fire retirement system A05264 Relates to prohibiting members of certain boards of directors who have been removed from serving on a board for a period of fifteen years A05374 Relates to service retirement benefits for uniformed sanitation members of the New York city employees' retirement system A05480 Relates to primary social security retirement benefits for members of the New York city fire department pension fund A05487 Relates to providing reforms to employee pension contributions; repealer A05495 Requires subsidiaries of certain transportation authorities and their employees to submit all unresolvable contract negotiations to binding arbitration A05533 Provides for certain death benefits to fire marshals employed by Nassau county A05678 Relates to service retirement benefits for certain members of the New York city employees' retirement system A05711 Relates to mandatory retirement age A05712 Establishes disability retirement benefits for certain members who suffer any condition or impairment of health caused by methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or Staph/MRSA A05713 Implements a presumption of performance of duty disability for post-traumatic stress disorder in certain employees of Suffolk county A05714 Relates to accidental disability retirement for deputy sheriffs A05715 Relates to increasing the mandatory retirement age of New York state regional park police A05754 Provides Tier 5 and 6 members of the New York state teachers' retirement system with the same service retirement pension factor as Tier 4 A05759 Exempts correction officers of any penal correctional institution from training requirements for security guards A05798 Relates to service retirement benefits for certain members of the New York city employees' retirement system A05828 Relates to eligibility for unemployment benefits for certain New York city emergency medical services personnel under quarantine for coronavirus (COVID-19) A05929 Relates to service retirement benefits for uniformed correction members of the New York city employees' retirement system A06044 Relates to allowing certain members of the New York city police pension fund to borrow from contributions A06299 Relates to article 78 judgments regarding disability pension determinations A06342 Relates to the disability retirement for safety and security officers A06343 Relates to retirement benefits for certain employees A06344 Relates to service retirement benefits for members of the NYC police pension fund A06403 Relates to the determination of salary base for members of the New York city police pension fund A06438 Provides for certain death benefits to correction officers, correction officer-sergeants, correction officer-captains, assistant wardens, associate wardens or wardens employed by Westchester county A06460 Relates to the retirement of Nassau county 911 operators and fire techs A06502 Relates to determination of salary base for members of the city of New York fire department pension fund A06508 Provides additional benefits for certain retirement system members with thirty years credited service A06574 Relates to the limitation of overtime compensation in final average salary calculations A06578 Relates to death benefits for members of the uniformed force of the New York city department of sanitation and members of the uniformed force of the New York city department of correction A06635 Relates to calculating certain pensions A06636 Provides for cost-of-living adjustments A06638 Provides cost-of-living adjustments for certain public retirees A06639 Relates to providing cost-of-living adjustments A06640 Relates to applying cost-of-living adjustments A06700 Relates to free use of state parks, recreation facilities and historic sites by veterans A06743 Relates to certain benefits provided pursuant to collective bargaining agreements A06771 Creates a pilot program to examine the effects of waiving the state civil service examination fee A06861 Relates to disability retirement benefits for the presumption of post-traumatic stress disorder for certain dispatcher titles A06862 Relates to increasing benefits payable by the correction officers' variable supplements fund to beneficiaries A06864 Provides that New York city correction officers may file for disability without ten years of service A06865 Grants service credit to members of the uniformed correction force of the New York city department of correction covered by provisions of law for over 25 years A06976 Relates to the crime of aggravated harassment of an employee by an inmate A06977 Grants police officer status to members of the uniformed correction force of N.Y. city department of correction A07023 Relates to increasing the base benefit amount for computation of pension cost-of-living adjustments A07131 Relates to calculating the final average salary for members of the New York state and local police and fire retirement system A07140 Relates to authorizing uniformed court officers and court clerks designated as peace officers to execute arrest warrants A07141 Provides an exemption of any award from the September eleventh victim compensation fund from application to the satisfaction of money judgments A07142 Exempts a recovery of an award from the September eleventh victim compensation fund from income A07148 Relates to the prosecution of certain juveniles between the ages of 16 and 18 charged with certain felony offenses, including possession of a firearm A07150 Provides protection to certain retirees from pension de-risking transactions A07151 Designates certain emergency and public safety dispatchers and operators as first responders A07198 Relates to prohibiting discrimination against police and firefighters injured in the line of duty A07251 Clarifies provisions related to the overtime ceiling for corrections officers of the Westchester county correction department A07252 Clarifies provisions related to overtime ceilings for correction officers who are members of certain retirement plans A07256 Provides additional benefits for certain retirement system members with credited service in excess of twenty-five years A07257 Modifies the retirement benefits for certain county correction officers, uniformed correction division personnel, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs and undersheriffs in Nassau county A07309 Sets the increase to the overtime ceiling as a fixed percentage A07310 Exempts the sanitation police of the department of sanitation of the city of New York from training requirements for security guards A07343 Relates to obtaining military credit for members of the New York state and local police and fire retirement system A07344 Provides WTC-related benefits to certain employees who worked at the Verrazano Bridge Toll Facility A07378 Provides for background checks for police transfer candidates A07389 Relates to the eligibility of New York city transit authority employees for performance of duty disability retirement A07416 Removes post-retirement earnings restrictions for New York city department of corrections uniformed personnel A07563 Relates to death benefits for NYC transit authority members A07572 Relates to eligibility for participants in the automotive 25 year/age 50 pension plan with more than 30 years of credited service who remain in active service after age 62 to receive a service retirement benefit A07601 Relates to providing county correction officers with a special optional twenty year retirement plan A07623 Includes remedial services, homework or childcare as the transportation responsibility of the city school district located in N.Y. city A07681 Relates to allowing certain members of the New York city fire department pension fund to receive a membership date in such fund attributable to service in the title of police cadet program A07693 Permits certain twenty-five year retirement program dispatcher members to file elections not to participate A07698 Affords certain police/fire members who are members of the fire department pension fund to continue in service past normal retirement age with an additional pension benefit for each year of additional service A07714 Relates to promotions of detectives A07719 Relates to eligibility for certain New York city transit authority members changing to transit operating positions from other positions to participate in the twenty-five-year and age fifty-five retirement program A07735 Relates to eligibility for certain employees of certain affiliates of the metropolitan transportation authority for health benefits A07740 Relates to promotions of lieutenants A07791 Restores 20 year service retirement for New York city police officers A07824 Relates to extending the benefits of the variable supplements fund for transit police members of the New York city employees' retirement system A08031 Designates September 11th as a public holiday A08063 Establishes a central business district toll exemption for first responders A08177 Categorizes the assault of certain employees of the New York city department of buildings or the New York city department of housing preservation and development as a class D felony A08210 Establishes a central business district toll exemption for veterans A08513 Relates to requirements for issuing civil service examination announcements A08514 Provides for crediting of probationary service upon permanent appointment A08515 Relates to the New York state adult cystic fibrosis program A08589 Prohibits cannabis retail and on-site consumption licensees from operating such premises within one thousand feet of the perimeter of a school grounds A08827 Grants certain county fire marshals, supervising fire marshals, fire marshals, assistant fire marshals, assistant chief fire marshals or chief fire marshals pension benefits for service beyond twenty-five years A08876 Requires that applicants not be prohibited from taking competitive civil service exams A08896 Relates to traffic ticket liability for midwives A08915 Relates to procedures to be followed in appointing a hearing officer for removal and disciplinary action against certain public employees A08918 Establishes a twenty year retirement plan for members or officers of law enforcement A08951 Establishes the crime of unlawful use of violence or intimidation in pursuit of political aims; blocking of a public road, bridge, transportation facility or tunnel A08954 Relates to the suspension of tolls collected during a state declaration of disaster emergency A09021 Relates to disabilities or death of sanitation department employees caused by leptospirosis A09036 Directs the department of environmental conservation to conduct a study of ecological restoration needs of Jamaica Bay A09133 Relates to the calculation of the final average salary for purposes of the calculation of a pension benefit A09182 Relates to the compensation of certain emergency medical technicians who are providing emergency medical services, and their supervisors, during outbreaks of infectious diseases A09211 Relates to requests for employee personnel records A09243 Relates to updating civil service examinations A09349 Relates to updating civil service examinations A09381 Provides for a line of duty presumption for disabilities of deputy sheriffs in certain cities A09386 Relates to crediting of provisional time for promotional examinations A09388 Authorizes the removal of police officer candidates from an eligible list when such candidate does not meet psychological fitness requirements or lacks good moral character standards A09391 Provides for a disability retirement for certain deputy sheriff members of a retirement system in certain cities A09395 Relates to establishing a twenty-five year retirement plan for firefighters employed by the division of military and naval affairs A09399 Relates to health insurance coverage for surviving spouses or domestic partners of fire protection inspectors of the New York city fire department A09515 Relates to eligibility for ordinary disability benefits and re-employment of disability retirees of the New York city police pension fund Tier III plans A09516 Extends provisions related to public arbitration panels A09527 Relates to the retirement contributions of career public employees A09540 Relates to age and service eligibility requirements for ordinary retirement for members of the unified court system A09542 Provides a heart disease presumption for correction officers, correction supervisors, deputy sheriff patrol or deputy sheriff patrol supervisors A09549 Extends provisions reinstating prior approved work permits and waiving requirements as such provisions relate to rebuilding and repairing homes devastated by Hurricane Sandy in the city of New York A09558 Relates to establishing a central business district toll exemption for certain employees of the fire department of the city of New York A09568 Allows a parent who suffers an involuntary loss of pregnancy to automatically receive temporary disability benefits A09597 Authorizes an optional twenty-five year retirement plan for uniformed court officers and peace officers employed by the unified court system A09633 Relates to the calculation of past service credit for NYC DEP police transferring between the New York city employees' retirement system to the state and local police and fire retirement system A09635 Provides family leave to persons recovering from the unintended intrauterine death of a fetus that occurs after the clinical estimate of the twentieth week of gestation A09645 Relates to disability benefits for certain individuals employed by the Nassau county police department A09646 Relates to the transfer of board of education employees to the teachers' retirement system of the city of New York A09684 Grants court reporters peace officer status A09758 Relates to authorizing and directing the metropolitan transportation authority to implement a free fare program for NYC firefighters on the LIRR A09759 Establishes the Medicare maximization and assistance program to assist eligible state retirees in obtaining certain Medicare benefits A09776 Relates to transfers of members between systems A09822 Relates to the establishment of twenty-five year retirement programs for members of the New York city employees' retirement system employed as fire protection inspectors and associate fire protection inspectors A09925 Relates to the definition of overtime ceiling A09932 Relates to hearing officers A09933 Expands disability benefits for firefighters who suffered any condition or impairment of health caused by endocrine/thyroid cancer A09935 Relates to the disclosure of information to employees A10018 Relates to normal retirement age for police/fire members of the New York city fire department pension fund A10111 Relates to increasing certain special accidental death benefits
Prime-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
A10334 Extends the temporary "commission to prevent childhood drowning" to improve water safety in New York state A10448 Permits New York city correction officers to borrow from accumulated contributions; repealer A10465 Removes eligibility or receipt of primary social security disability benefits as a condition for ordinary disability retirement for certain members A10487 Relates to the promotion of sergeants A10495 Requires body armor worn by New York city emergency services personnel to be replaced every five years A10500 Affords certain uniformed members of the fire department pension fund with an increased pension benefit for each year of additional service beyond their required minimum service A10511 Relates to disability retirement benefits for the presumption of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis for paid members of a fire department in a city with a population of one million or more A10512 Relates to recovery of alleged overpayment of wages A10524 Extends provisions of law extending the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) benefit for public employee death benefits A10525 Enacts major components relating to compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment of the agency police services unit; appropriation; repealer A10526 Relates to compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment of certain state officers and employees who are members of the security services collective negotiating unit; repealer A10527 Provides for compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment of certain officers and employees; repealer; appropriation A10528 Relates to compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment for members of the district council 37 rent regulation services unit; repealer; appropriation A10573 Enacts the climate resilient New York act of 2024; establishes the office of resilience to assess and identify climate related threats A10581 Relates to the establishment of a twenty-two and one-half year retirement program for emergency medical technicians A10602 Provides for a line of duty presumption for disabilities of fire alarm dispatchers in certain cities A10603 Provides for eligibility of certain participants in the New York City employees retirement system to opt into the twenty-five year retirement program for EMT members
Co-Sponsored Legislation:
Co-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
Multi-Sponsored Legislation:
There are no bills of this type.
Multi-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
There are no bills of this type.