Sponsored Legislation
Prime-Sponsored Legislation:
A00072 Creates climate liability for fossil fuel related activity which caused or contributed to climate change A00073 Relates to labeling requirements for gas stoves A00084 Relates to increasing short-term disability benefits A00118 Relates to school climate and codes of conduct on school property and disciplinary action following violation of such codes of conduct; and makes conforming amendments A00199 Regulates pistol converters and convertible pistols A00254 Provides that all persons have the right to food and the right to be free from hunger, malnutrition, starvation and the endangerment of life from the scarcity of or lack of access to nourishing food A00403 Establishes application processing and review requirements for reprieves, commutations and pardons A00405 Relates to allowances for the costs of diapers A00407 Prohibits the use of reverse location and reverse keyword searches A00409 Prohibits confidentiality and non-disclosure provisions from inclusion in certain contracts entered into by the state or a municipality A00439 Removes dealers of ammunition from certain provisions regarding the use of certain merchant category-codes by payment card networks A00450 Relates to piggyback bus transportation contracts A00525 Allows certain adult care facilities to arrange for limited nursing services A00594 Relates to semi-annual expenditures and lobbying reports by certain public service utility corporations A00608 Expands prison work release program eligibility and participation A00678 Allows pharmacy technicians to practice in any pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist A00680 Relates to the mandatory coverage of hearing aids by insurers and other organizations A00683 Establishes an emergency heating energy assistance program benefit A00686 Ensures ovarian cancer survivors have the right to access screenings for health conditions A00756 Relates to certain construction projects A00763 Requires certain towns to promote jobs and conduct an equity audit A00764 Relates to municipal offices of the inspector general A00766 Makes the position of town comptroller an elected position in towns having a population of five hundred thousand persons or more A00767 Establishes the youth justice innovation fund A00785 Requires schools safety plans to include a cardiac emergency response plan A00787 Establishes the New York state first home grant program A00797 Relates to itemized deductions for New York residents A00809 Relates to instruction in financial and insurance literacy for students in grades nine through twelve A00836 Relates to utility intervenor reimbursement A00838 Relates to the organization of industrial development agencies A00918 Relates to automated identification of OTDA program participants for participation in utility corporation affordability programs for water service affordability A00965 Requires state contractors to submit a statement on preventing human trafficking A01019 Relates to doula access during emergency situations A01025 Requires the commissioner of health to consult with the office of addiction services and supports to publish certain guidance on maternal depression screenings A01026 Relates to access to doulas; repealer A01194 Relates to the use of funds and payments from the IOLA fund A01204 Relates to requiring certain disclosures by attorneys performing services in connection with a real property tax grievance procedure A01205 Establishes the position of chief artificial intelligence officer A01242 Establishes a task force to identify evidence-based and evidence informed solutions to reduce children's exposure to adverse childhood experience A01550 Relates to prohibiting a court from denying class certification solely because the action involves governmental operations A01625 Establishes the homeownership protection program A01626 Prohibits virginity examinations A01818 Enacts the "End Hedge Fund Control of New York Homes Act" A01929 Relates to student class size in public schools A01956 Requires mental health services for incarcerated individuals with mental health issues related to the trauma of incarceration A01963 Provides for universal newborn nurse home visiting services; requires health insurance coverage for universal newborn nurse home visiting services A02014 Relates to collective bargaining rights for college athletes and authorizes the public employment relations board to exercise jurisdiction over collective bargaining matters A02016 Relates to the regulation of bus privatization contracts A02048 Increases personal needs allowance amounts A02049 Establishes separate taxes on inheritance income and on gift income A02264 Relates to increasing sales of zero-emission vehicles A02274 Allocates fines imposed on real estate appraisers to the anti-discrimination in housing fund A02301 Establishes the small business crime prevention services A02304 Relates to guidelines for food and beverages purchased or sold by state agencies A02362 Relates to certain discriminatory practices; and to the qualification of professionals in education A02617 Relates to providing water utilities with access to water quality infrastructure improvement funding A02636 Establishes a local authorities searchable subsidy and economic development benefits database A02643 Permits certain licensed athletic trainers to practice in New York State if they are licensed to practice in another state or territory A02651 Specifying conditions for the issuance of optional mobile or digital alternatives to driver's licenses and non-driver identification cards A02673 Relates to obligations of members of economic development entities A02677 Relates to the appointment of a special independent counsel A03034 Requires human breast milk banks, companies and cooperatives to comply with certain standards and provides for education and support of certain breastfeeding mothers A03067 Relates to authorizing the county comptroller to audit the financial records of such county's respective industrial development agency A03103 Prohibits the practice of surge pricing by chain restaurants A03535 Establishes a highway safety corridor on the Southern State Parkway located in Long Island and makes conforming changes; establishes a demonstration program A03544 Requires certain health care providers to disclose certain facts in regard to probation to current and new patients A03650 Relates to autonomous vehicle driving A04095 Relates to the administration of challenge oaths to voter applicants A04107 Provides small businesses with grants to commercialize energy and environmental technology innovations in-state A04119 Relates to prohibiting the use or access of the TikTok application on state-issued electronic devices A04120 Relates to protections for renters using certain housing subsidies or public assistance A04121 Relates to requiring covered entities to publicly report on franchise fees, consumer complaints and denials of requests for service A04122 Authorizes and directs the office of children and family services to conduct a study on the family assessment response program A04166 Requires automated external defibrillator equipment to be immediately available at school-sponsored events A04167 Requires trucks to utilize commercial GPS A04196 Relates to prohibiting the use of funds, financial incentives or subsidies where facilities or property are used primarily for e-commerce storage and transfers, or the facilitation thereof A04249 Prohibits public utilities from using funds or being reimbursed by funds raised from ratepayers for certain activities A04619 Relates to the taxation of vapor products A04669 Establishes the New York state office of civil representation to provide access to legal services in eviction proceedings A05074 Requires insurance coverage for the cost of donated breast milk A05084 Requires social services districts to maintain a waiting list of certain families applying for child care assistance A05088 Relates to the description of the arms of the state and the state flag A05090 Prohibits certain persons from receiving compensation for legal fees, consulting, or other work performed for an industrial development agency or an economic assistance corporation A05097 Relates to a podiatry study and report by the commissioner of education, in consultation with the commissioner of health A05107 Addresses the elementary literacy gap by empowering student and parental engagement with an evidence-based home reading program A05108 Establishes the housing for an equitable reentry and opportunity (HERO) act A05111 Relates to guidance to facilities and programs overseen by state agencies on interactions with federal immigration authorities A05122 Allows for individuals to enroll in the national marrow donor program at the time of application for or renewal of a driver's license or non-driver identification card A05123 Requires genetic testing results only be received by patients and health care providers providing direct care while health insurance companies only receive a record that the genetic testing was performed A05126 Relates to implementing provisions to protect credit reports of certain consumers A05128 Expedites the distributions of funds for the supervision and treatment services for juveniles program A05130 Provides for the performance of medical services by physician assistants A05134 Relates to the Long Island rail road commuter's council A05135 Relates to mental health services and resources for child protective services employees A05137 Relates to transit-oriented development A05140 Requires health insurance policies to include coverage for doula services as required coverage for maternity care A05145 Relates to the licensing of professional and clinical music therapists A05148 Prohibits certain punishments and interventions in schools A05151 Requires clinical trials that apply for state grant funding to make certain information about such clinical trials public A05152 Relates to registered pharmacy technicians A05153 Relates to advanced metering infrastructure devices for residential services A05158 Requires that for-hire vehicles have New York state issued license plates to receive a New York state inspection A05160 Requires diversity, inclusion and elimination of bias training for certain medical personnel as part of continuing medical education requirements A05163 Provides for a deduction from personal gross income for expenses incurred in the adoption of a child in the foster care system A05164 Relates to the duty of real estate brokers to supervise salespersons and associate brokers A05166 Requires utility companies to give homeowners notice of intent to enter onto private property A05169 Extends the revocation period for real estate brokers and real estate salespersons; and includes the license revocation history of real estate brokers or real estate salespersons on the data.ny.gov website A05170 Establishes the crime of sexual abuse against a patient or client by a health care provider in the first and second degree A05175 Requires certain security features and warning labels on baby monitors A05176 Requires the New York state cancer services program to provide various cancer screenings and diagnostic services at no cost; appropriation A05177 Establishes a fund for the creation of affordable housing A05180 Requires school districts to refer a child with a disability for evaluation when application for registration of the child with the district is first made A05182 Enacts the frontline worker assistance act A05184 Requires the department of transportation to determine which entrances to parkways in the state are most frequently accessed by oversized commercial vehicles and to prevent such access A05192 Prohibits the sale of certain hazardous inhalants to persons under the age of twenty-one A05199 Ensures that temporary protected status beneficiaries continue to receive Medicaid benefits A05211 Relates to librarians of school libraries; repealer A05216 Requires state units to purchase a product or service that is or contains an algorithmic decision system that adheres to responsible artificial intelligence standards A05219 Relates to the transfer of the regional state park police to the division of state police; repealer A05229 Establishes a blood clot and pulmonary embolism policy workgroup A05230 Provides for lactation accommodation in public transportation facilities act A05245 Prohibits the use of credit checks for prospective tenants A05247 Establishes a task force on educator diversity in New York state A05258 Relates to disallowing county industrial development agencies from offering incentives in municipalities which have their own industrial development agency A05261 Relates to preventing the use of funds, financial incentives, subsidies or tax exemptions for projects with non-public occupants A05264 Relates to exempting certain over the counter family planning supplies from sales and compensating use taxes A05270 Relates to the right to hold race meetings and races at Belmont Park A05273 Prohibits the use of restraints and seclusion in schools and provides for more rapid notice to parents if restraints or seclusion is used A05275 Requires patient's health home to use the adverse childhood experience questionnaire in assessing the patient's health risks A05276 Relates to the establishment of childcare centers in every court in the unified court system A05278 Requires service companies to obtain liability insurance coverage sufficient to cover the value of property consigned to or deposited with such business by customers of the business A05279 Relates to pregnant and postpartum individuals and their children's health coverage and information A05282 Relates to access to appropriate drugs at reasonable prices, formulary exceptions, standing prior authorizations and external appeals A05377 Relates to calculation of franchise tax on businesses with a business income base over five million dollars A05403 Enacts the "Jack Reid Law: Protect All Students Act" A05435 Relates to high income personal income tax rates A05457 Phases out certain mandatory university fees for graduate students A05464 Establishes requirements for library material in public school libraries and public libraries A05689 Creates a computer science course requirement for graduation from high school A05691 Requires the commissioner to establish domestic violence awareness curriculum or instruction to be available in school districts; age appropriate A05698 Relates to the creation of the health professional nutrition education office A05701 Directs the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to provide discounted monthly passes to college, graduate and career education students for the purpose of commuting to and from classes A05704 Establishes a loan forgiveness program for child care providers A05707 Requires certain persons attend the electronic cigarette and vaping prevention, awareness and control program A05709 Establishes a work group to set reimbursement rates for doulas in the state Medicaid program and address other criteria related to their practice A05710 Prohibits insurers from refusing to renew a policy on certain automobiles used for volunteer social service transportation A05712 Provides for the recovery, reuse and recycling of hardcover books A05717 Requires certain buses and trucks to be equipped with commercial GPS devices A05720 Authorizes the commissioner of motor vehicles to establish a pilot program to evaluate the use of optional mobile or digital alternatives to driver's licenses and non-driver identification cards A05724 Expands the health education curriculum to include breast cancer screenings A05735 Relates to the make time for parenting act A05739 Establishes the "secure our data act" A05740 Requires the office of court administration to study racial disparities in jury selection pools and juror selection A05745 Creates substance use prevention and recovery resource materials for schools A05749 Creates a pilot program to encourage homeownership among persons and groups who are currently underrepresented and/or have seen a marked decline in rates of homeownership A05752 Relates to making certain provisions applicable to public schools relating to instruction in civility, citizenship and character education A05755 Relates to incorporating art and music into prekindergarten programs A05760 Relates to establishing a housing task force to address affordable housing for millennials A05761 Provides for paid family leave following pregnancy outcome A05762 Relates to the criminal sale of a controlled substance to a person less than fourteen years of age A05786 Prohibits termination of electricity or heat service during forecasts of extreme temperatures A05796 Prohibits vaping in educational institutions; requires educational institutions to educate communities about health risks associated with vaping A05799 Relates to employment discrimination relating to family leave A05804 Relates to enabling constitutionally-qualified electors to register to vote and to cast a ballot on the same day at a polling location A05824 Relates to free tuition for New York state residents serving as volunteer firefighters at certain colleges A05827 Relates to data privacy protection; establishes the privacy and security victims relief fund A05864 Establishes the office of census counts and provides for its powers and duties and the New York state census counts commission and provides for its powers and duties; appropriation A05870 Relates to agreements between multichannel video programming distributors and video programmers A05975 Directs the commissioner of corrections and community supervision to promulgate and implement rules authorizing the use of automated patient dispensing and storage systems in correctional facilities A05993 Permits minors to be employed as a referee, umpire or official at a youth sporting event A05994 Directs the commissioner of health to promulgate and implement rules authorizing the use of automated patient dispensing and storage systems at pharmacies A05999 Directs the commissioner of health to promulgate and implement rules authorizing the use of automated patient dispensing and storage systems A06002 Directs the commissioner of health to promulgate and implement rules authorizing the use of automated patient dispensing and storage systems at certain facilities A06071 Establishes the "childcare and early education sector on the economy act" A06107 Requires the introduction of coursework or training in nutrition for physicians A06124 Authorizes the posting by each municipality of turtle crossing signs on local roads located within such municipality A06129 Requires not-for-profit hospitals inform patients that low to moderate income persons may qualify for help with medical bills through such hospitals charitable programs A06132 Relates to the mandatory coverage of hearing aids by insurers and other organizations A06140 Includes doulas as medical services providers for Medicaid recipients A06143 Relates to out-of-network treatment disclosure for certain surgical procedures A06162 Relates to requiring the division of state police and local police departments to notify a licensed child day care center or group day care home in the area of certain emergency situations A06167 Authorizes Ministerio Sion New York, Inc. to retroactively apply for a real property tax exemption for certain property A06173 Establishes a committee to study the feasibility of funding a kindergarten to college/career ready program and a universal college savings account A06176 Establishes authority for early childcare savings accounts A06177 Relates to the frequency of submission of community health assessment reporting A06183 Relates to studying the adequacy of applied behavioral analysis provider networks A06184 Relates to establishing the Nassau county and Queens county border task force A06186 Relates to diaper changing accommodations in certain buildings A06187 Relates to providing that all schools have a multi-cultural curriculum A06237 Relates to establishing certain cultural and religious observances as school holidays in certain districts A06263 Renames the state board of parole A06583 Relates to the allocation of prekindergarten funding to prioritize students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch and multilingual learners A06625 Relates to industrial development agencies A06707 Relates to the public posting of certain contracts A06908 Relates to labelling of synthetic hair products that contain a carcinogen or a reproductive toxicant A06972 Relates to creating an artificial intelligence working group in the department of education A07029 Relates to directing the commissioner of education to make recommendations to the board of regents regarding the incorporation of instruction in artificial intelligence system literacy into the school curriculum A07351 Relates to expanding the residential parking permit system within the area known as Elmont in the town of Hempstead A07423 Sets nutrition standards for restaurants distributing incentive items aimed at children
Prime-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
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Co-Sponsored Legislation:
Co-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
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Multi-Sponsored Legislation:
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Multi-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
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