Sponsored Legislation
Prime-Sponsored Legislation:
A00021 Relates to coverage for children for services related to the diagnosis and treatment of mental, nervous or emotional disorders or ailments A00025 Repeals article 21 of the tax law relating to imposition of a highway use tax for the privilege of operating any vehicular unit upon the public highways A00030 Requires the return of certain financial assistance provided for a project where the project has material shortfalls or material violations and preventing the use of incentives for projects already in development A00058 Permits persons 65 years of age to enroll in a limited number of state university and city university courses for credit without tuition A00060 Provides for the award of scholarships and loan forgiveness for nurses on the same terms as physicians A00061 Relates to driver's license lists and operating record information A00075 Relates to requiring disclosure of types of replacement parts used in automobile collision repairs A00214 Relates to vision screening in public schools A00215 Relates to the maintenance of a database on intellectual property A00219 Relates to the furnishing of registration information by the commissioner of the department of motor vehicles A00224 Authorizes the commissioner of transportation to conduct a study relating to airborne ultrafine particles A00225 Relates to commuter passes on the New York state thruway in the Syracuse area A00234 Relates to the certification of certain property complying with the residential-commercial urban exemption program A00236 Relates to the license requirements for the practice of respiratory therapy A00237 Relates to modernizing and increasing the transparency of local government procurement of goods and services A00238 Relates to the meaning of the term "newspaper" for purposes of publishing certain notices required by law A00241 Establishes the child care professionals loan forgiveness incentive program A00242 Requires operators of bicycles, skateboards and in-line skates who are under 18 years of age to wear protective headgear A00243 Provides for the detailing of the benefits and costs of proposed rules in the regulatory impact statements A00245 Requires compliance with collision repair guidelines and service bulletins issued by vehicle or original equipment manufacturers A00248 Authorizes recoupment of financial incentives awarded businesses upon failure to fulfill the terms of such incentive A00249 Authorizes the use of an electronic signature by a person granted a power of attorney with respect to tax documents submitted A00259 Increases the tax exemption for pensions and annuities for persons age fifty-nine and one-half or greater A00260 Relates to regulating the use of unmanned aircraft in the state A00458 Requires certain training for all retailers, dealers and sellers of firearms in New York state A00465 Requires the chair of the public service commission create rules, regulations, policies, and procedures for the creation of a resilient electric vehicle charging system pilot program A00467 Relates to consolidated local highway assistance payments A00468 Directs the commissioner of motor vehicles to conduct a study of official inspection stations, safety inspections and fees A00470 Relates to recovering attorney fees for legal services rendered under certain claims A00493 Relates to the issuance of additional orders of protection when reviewing an extreme risk protection order A00494 Relates to driver education A00497 Provides for the electronic transmission of certain documents A00501 Relates to the payment of shelter and rent arrears A00530 Relates to the establishment of rates of payment and delivery of health care services A00583 Relates to county committee designations of candidates for certain offices A00585 Repeals title 2 of article 14 of the election law, relating to public financing A00586 Relates to campaign contributions by a limited liability company A00648 Relates to the individuals who are required to file New York state income tax returns A00750 Relates to increasing penalties for endangerment of a highway worker, promote work zone safety awareness, and establish a fund for additional work zone safety enforcement A00804 Relates to consumer litigation funding A00807 Provides that any service outside of N.Y. city, that is designated as a microtransit service shall be eligible for statewide mass transportation operating assistance regard A00931 Relates to preventing certain elected officials from being a member of an agency; repealer A00934 Relates to peremptory challenges where there are two or more defendants A00935 Authorizes bail for principals charged with certain driving while intoxicated offenses A00936 Repeals section 901 of the real property tax law relating to unpaid housing code violation penalties in the city of Syracuse A00937 Prohibits insurers from limiting payment on claims based on pricing caps and from recommending a particular repair facility A00938 Relates to hiring and promoting employees on a permanent basis at municipal and/or authority owned or operated airports A00961 Extends the provisions of chapter 3 of the laws of 2020 relating to establishing the stretch limousine passenger safety task force A00975 Suspends the registration of a vehicle which has been documented five times within a twelve month period by a photo violation monitoring device for failure to comply with traffic-control indications A00990 Relates to the execution of certificates by persons conducting business under assumed names or as partners A01002 Requires railroad corporations to inform the division of homeland security and emergency services, department of environmental conservation, and department of transportation about certain freight rail trains A01009 Relates to certain criminal penalties for driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs A01024 Directs telecommunication and cable corporations to provide call center service assistance from centers located within the state A01092 Establishes the crimes of aggravated threat of mass harm in the first degree and aggravated threat of mass harm in the second degree A01094 Allows the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in tracking big game A01095 Prohibits motor vehicle manufacturers and dealers from charging a subscription fee for certain functions of a motor vehicle after the vehicle is sold A01096 Relates to pricing changes for online grocery delivery and online pick-up services A01097 Includes red cross vehicles as authorized emergency vehicles A02193 Provides technical corrections to provisions concerning the adjudication of certain traffic violations; repealer A02551 Establishes minimum educational requirements of certain town and village justices A02678 Relates to compensation of members of the legislature A02682 Relates to hourly compensation and reimbursement for representation; repealer A03104 Extends the authorization of the county of Onondaga to impose an additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes A03111 Authorizes county highway superintendents to rent road machinery from any city, town or village and authorizes town highway superintendents to contract for the use of town machinery, tools and equipment A03981 Relates to procedures relating to driving while ability impaired by drugs A04010 Relates photo speed violation monitoring systems in a highway construction or maintenance work area; makes permanent A04011 Relates to multiple violations of the highway construction or maintenance work area photo speed violation monitoring system A04015 Increases penalties for certain speed violations A04016 Increases fines for failure to yield when approaching authorized emergency vehicles A04827 Relates to the suspension and revocation of certain learner's permits and the return of numbered plates and registration suspensions in certain circumstances A05768 Requiring that vehicles yield the right of way to multi-use trails that cross roadways A05780 Requires police reports of traffic accidents to include insurance information for the parties to the accident
Prime-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
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Co-Sponsored Legislation:
Co-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
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Multi-Sponsored Legislation:
Multi-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
There are no bills of this type.