Press Releases

DiPietro Statement On Gov. Cuomo Calling For A Comprehensive Review Of Common Core

“For the past two years, my colleagues in the Assembly Minority Conference and I have called on Gov. Cuomo and the Assembly Majority to authorize a review of the Common Core Curriculum and halt the implementation of that curriculum during the review....

New Study Shows New York Still Too Heavily Taxed

In light of a new study performed by The Tax Foundation and KPMG accounting firm, Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is renewing his call to drastically reduce the tax burden placed on New Yorkers and their employers. Except for manufacturing,...

DiPietro: Comptroller’s Report Shows Albany’s Downstate Mindset

“The recent report by Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli showed that three out of every four new statewide jobs over the past five years have been created in New York City. The Legislature and this governor have repeatedly made promises to bring new jobs to...

DiPietro: Opt-Out Movement Hits 20 Percent Statewide

“The State Education Department reported yesterday that 20 percent of students between grades 3 and 8 opted out of taking the high-stakes state testing. The opt-out movement is one I’m proud to be part of as we attempt to take control of our classrooms...

DiPietro Calls For State Investigation Into Planned Parenthood

In light of the recent undercover videos released by The Center for Medical Progress exposing the callousness of Planned Parenthood and the abortion process, Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is calling for a statewide investigation into Planned...

DiPietro Urges New Education Commissioner To Review APPLE Plan

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) and his Assembly Minority colleagues have signed on to a letter alerting the state’s new Education Commissioner, MaryEllen Elia, of their work regarding the Common Core curriculum. The letter, which touts...

DiPietro: We Demand Accountability For Our Tax Dollars In La Guardia Project

“The tax dollars that go into rebuilding La Guardia Airport and the Tappan Zee Bridge aren’t just coming from New York City, they’re coming from upstate and Western New York, and we deserve some accountability. Gov. Cuomo’s focus continues to...

DiPietro: Wage Board Decision Damaging For Teens

“The decision by unelected bureaucrats on the wage board to raise the minimum wage for fast food businesses adversely affects young people looking for work and seeking to gain experience at a first job. As someone who owns and operates a small business,...

A Session Of Missed Opportunities

This year’s legislative session generated a lot of headlines for the powerful downstate leaders ensnared in a corruption scandal, but not a lot of headlines for the work it failed to accomplish. This is yet another year where downstate took care of...

DiPietro: Session Ends With Missed Opportunities

“We may have extended session another week, but we didn’t tackle many of the major issues facing our communities. The Legislature didn’t stop or even reform the Common Core curriculum, nor did it fully eliminate the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA)....

DiPietro Reiterates Call to Shut Down START-UP NY

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) and several of his colleagues in the Assembly Minority Conference called on legislative leaders and Gov. Andrew Cuomo to shut down the START-UP NY program. Following an extensive audit by New York State Comptroller...

DiPietro: Majority Playing Games with Ethics Reform

Photo as described in caption
Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is calling on the Assembly Majority to pass the agreed-upon pension forfeiture measure they promised to bring to the floor following budget negotiations. The one-house measure the Majority is bringing to the...

DiPietro Applauds Hiring Of Over 100 New Correction Officers

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) expressed pleasure at the news that the state is hiring over 100 new correction officers for New York’s prisons. With prison violence on the rise, DiPietro viewed the decision as necessary to combat a growing...

DiPietro: Let’s Send Veterans Bill Back To Gov. Cuomo’s Desk

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is a sponsor of Assembly Bill 4313, which would allow military veterans to buy back as many as three years in the state pension system. This is currently only available to veterans of certain wars. Nearly identical...

DiPietro: Gov. Sending $25 Million Out For START-UP NY Despite ‘No Tangible Benefit’

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is slamming Gov. Cuomo for continuing to spend money advertising START-UP NY following a damning report from New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, which stated the advertising provided “no tangible...

DiPietro: Comptroller Report Shows START-UP NY An Expensive Failure

“The report released by New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli is another indictment of the START-UP NY program. There has been no tangible benefit to the high-priced advertising of this program, both in New York and in the other states like Iowa...

New Yorkers Wait Too Long For Tax Freedom Day

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) celebrated Tax Freedom Day, when New Yorkers have finally worked long enough to cover their annual federal and state tax burdens, by encouraging the legislature to enact more pro-growth policies. “The...

One Invite-Only Education Summit Won’t Be Enough

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is calling on the governor and the State Education Department to increase the number of teacher evaluation summits and open them to the public. Currently, there is one summit, open by invitation-only, to discuss...

DiPietro-Sponsored Workplace Protections Clears Assembly; Heads To Gov.’s Desk

I was pleased to see Assembly Bill 5360, of which I am a sponsor, pass the Assembly unanimously. The legislation amends the law to protect workers from sexual harassment regardless of the size of the workplace. Currently, if the business has fewer than...

Minimum Wage Hike Hurts Small Businesses

When you increase the minimum wage, the national and international businesses can readily accept the rise in costs for labor; when you introduce an increase like this in the small-business community, shops close and people may lose their jobs, or services...